49) her pain

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Later that morning

It was about 10:37 in the morning and I was on Arya computer. "Mr Todd? May I ask what you are doing on Arya's computer?" Arya's AI asked me while I was typing on the computer. "I'm finding information." I mumbled annoyed that I couldn't find what I needed. "What is it that you need? I may be able to assist you?"

I nodded. "Find information of the 'infamous angel'? And what a hybrid is?" The AI hummed, which was weird but I'm done questioning shit around here. "Here are the files you wanted, Mr Todd." She said and I laughed. "Just Jason it Fine." I looked through the files.

"Let's see..... 'Hybrid children are some of the most dangerous creatures in the world. Whether they are cross with angel, demon or gods they mostly turn out evil and will kill most things close to them'.... Why dose she have these on here?" I continue reading. "'Hybrid have been known to be good and help with they sometimes rare gift, but there have been cases of the hybrid child eating their way out of their own mother'. What the hell?!" I rubbed my eyes.

"Hey? Why does she have files like this?" I asked the AI. "Arya has dealt with one previous hybrid and it turned out to be a rare good one. He gave her all this information on others hybrids in this world." I nodded and growled. "Tell me what this angel title is? Who gave it to here?" I sat in Arya chair and sighed.

Arya was not so good earlier. She was not telling me about how she was feeling and when she did? She kissed me?! I don't get girls. "Jason, the story behind the title is not one I should tell. It is an invasion of privacy." I sighed. "I won't tell her and I need to know." I rested my head on the desk and growled. "As you wish.... Arya was 16 and she was on a mission, alone. It was a hostage situation in one of the subway stations in downtown Gotham." I nodded. Of course I missed something important to do with her because I was dead!

"They are 54 hostages and she was the only hero there." I gave the AI a look. "Where were everyone else? All the other hero's?" I asked not even knowing where this was going. "All the villains were causing a riot. Killing people, burning things and robbing banks. One villain that we have no record of took 54 people into a subway and tied them up. She threatened to kill them all and Arya knew she had to get them out. She did something that hurt her physically and mentally." I nodded again. "What happened?"

"She made a short contract with a demon." My eyes went wide. "A contact?" I heard a door open and a loud yawn. "Shit! Don't tell her I was looking at her files!" I span in the chair and Arya walked in looking tired. "What are you doing in here?" She asked and I grinned. "I'm bored. Thought I'd go for a wonder." She put her hands on her hips. "In my office?....... Whatever I don't care. I need a glass of water." She walked away and I sighed.

"Delete the last 10 minutes of footage in this office." I told the AI and I ran after Arya who was in the kitchen. "I might make some toast?" She said and I sat at the island. "Did you sleep better?" She nodded. "I did! Did you have a nightmare?" I shook me head and she smiled. Is she really not gonna say anything about her randomly kissing me?!

Her phone buzzed and she picked it up and looked at a text. Her face face dropped at the message. "Dad wants me.... Mind looking after the kids? If it's dad the I'll be there all day." I nodded and she teleported away.

Time skip

I teleported to dad who was in his office and I grinned. "What's up, pops!" He looked down and I tilted my head. "You okay, dad?" He picked up some paper and he handed it to me. They were adoption papers? "Umm? Dad April fools is not for a few months? This wouldn't be funny anyway?" I laughed rubbing my head.

"It's not a joke.... You're not my biological daughter, kind of?" I stood there. "I'm not your daughter? T-this isn't funny dad." I said glaring at him. "How can I not be your daughter? We share the same blood type, eyes and I look exactly like you?" He sighed painfully. "When I first met you, you called me dad, I'm not sure but that was your first ever spell... It changed you and your DNA to closely match mine.... Like you were my daughter... In a way you are my daughter."

Tears came down my face. "I.... I don't understand? I'm not your daughter? What...?... How could you not tell me?! I don't understand!" I yelled at him.

"Calm down Arya." I glared at the man I thought was my dad for 21 years of my life. "Don't tell me to calm down! You've lost that right!" He sighed.

"Arya! You are my daughter!" He put a hand on my shoulder but I yelled and a burst of energy from my body sent him flying into a wall. "Don't touch me!" I screamed at him as he tried to pick himself up. Alfred ran in and gasped. "Master Bruce!" He ran to him and tried to pick him up. "Miss Arya? What did you do?!" He asked frantically.

"Did you know?!" I yelled at him, one of the most trusted people in my life. He knew what I was talking about and he sadly nodded. "It was to protect you-" "How is lying to me for 21 years about me being adopted trying to 'protect' me?!" I yelled.

A few items flew in the air and sharpened. Alfred gasped and I growled, making them disappear. "That is not how you protect people!" I yelled at I teleported away in anger and rage. I didn't even wanna know who my parents were. I was burning in angry and I needed to get away from the city. When I got far enough I put my nanotech suit on in case someone saw me.

I was in an old factory, I think. I saw the city and I glared at it. "It's all a lie!" I screamed and I felt loads of power pour out of me and destroy the surrounding area. I fell to the ground and I cried. I glared at nothing and I smelt a person behind me. They didn't smell very good.... Death, blood and just plain crazy?

I heard a giggle and I went to stand up but was whack around the head with something metal. I fell to the floor.

Blurry vision



I hope you enjoyed this shitty chapter!!!!! I hope you are enjoying your day or night!!!!! Plz feel free to leave your thoughts On this chapter!!!!

BYEEEEEEEE my beautiful readers!!!!!!

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