4) blinded with anger

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14 years old


I laid on my bed my head on Jason's stomach, with momo on my stomach. I was reading a new spell book and some of my old comics. I yawned looked at Jason. I looked at him and smiled. "Are you still angry?" He nodded and put hi face closer in the comic. See, Jason and dad were in a building on a mission and Jason dislocated a 'drug dealing pimp's' shoulder. He was so angry and he came to my room as soon as he got back.

I patted his head and smirked. "Stop pouting, big baby boo boo!" I said and he glared. I looked back at my book and tried saying some words in the book. I stumbled and it created a small spark. "Grrrr! Work!" I hissed and I could just feel Jason smirking. "One word and I sent you to mars!" I hissed. "Why isn't it working?" He asked. "I can't do the teleportation spell...." I mumbled.

"What was that?" I growled and sat up. "I cannot do the teleportation spell! I can't do it! I have tried but I can't do It!" I yelled angrily. "I thought that spell was easy?" I punched his arm. "Of course it it! But I'm so used to doing the harder ones that I find the weaker ones hard... Which is weird?" I said and I looked at momo.

"Help me?" She just looked at me then shook her head. I sighed. "torpelet!" I closed my eye and the opened my eyes I was at the other end of my room! "I did It!!" I said jumping up. "Well done." He said smiling but not looking very bothered. "Just because your In trouble doesn't mean you get to be a Debbie downer!" I said getting in his face.

"Sure!" He walked out my room and I followed. We walked to the kitchen and I saw Dick. "Dick!" I ran and hugged him. Then I slapped him around the head. "Why have you not been to come see us!?" I said as he rubbed his head. "Maybe the constant hitting has something to do with it?" I hit him again and he laughed. "I actually came to give you something. It's a gift from the team." I tilted my head and I was handed a book. "Starfire wanted you to have this. She told me even her people have a type of magic but its really hard to learn. And if you did learn It you'd be one of the only ones. Star can't even use it." I smiled and hugged his tight.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I said and Jason walked out while scoffing. "Huh? I'll see you later! Tell Star I said thank you!" I said and running after Jason. "Hey!? Whats up?" I asked. He ignored me and I made a fist and he couldn't move. "Let me go! Arya!" I smirked. "Nope! Whats up?" He glared at the floor. "Nothing..... It's just he doesn't like me! I don't get it?" I knew he was lying but I didn't wanna pry. I let him go and dragged him to the Batcave. "Wanna get your anger out? Punch me."

He gave me a look and I smiled. I smiled and he shrugged. He went to punch me but I grabbed his hand and twisted his hand and threw him too the floor. "You just underestimated me. You're not focused." He stood up and smiled. "Funny..." I nodded. "Jason. We have a mission." Dad said I smiled. "Dadddddd? Can I come?" He shook his head.

"Why?" I asked and me smiled at me. "I don't want you dealing with the joker after last time." I crossed my arms. "I've been trained with you longer than Dick and Jason. So I should be trusted." I said huffing. He hugged me and Jason came back and dad walked off to put his suit on.

"Dad said you were dealing with Joker. I need you to be careful." I said actually getting serious. "You sound worried?" He said winking. I scoffed. "Only for the Joker.  You'll end up dislocating his arms." I said smiling. I hugged him as went back upstairs.

"I hope those two will be OK?" I said but smiled. "Of course they will!"

Time skip of two days

I slowly opened my eyes and heard the Batmobile pull up in the cave. I jumped up and ran to the cave. I ran down the huge stairs and smiled at dad. "You're back! Wheres Jason?! I wanted to show you two a new spell I manage to learn!" I said smiling happily. I stopped when I saw dad's face. "Dad? What happened? Are you and Jason OK?" I went back into the Batmobile and brought out a body.





Jason's body.... I stared at it in shock and let some tears out. "Joker killed him... I failed him..." He said and I let more tears out. I ran up the stairs and and into my room. "Why! Why did he get to Jason!?" I yelled in pain and anger. I saw my suit and put it on. I teleported to the cave and took Jason's spare belt. I teleported to the city and went to the know his hide-out this. I got to the front door.

I kicked in the door and saw him laughing and giggling with a sad looking Harely.  He looked to me and grinned at me. "Harely, leave." I said and she didn't move. "Get oout! I rather not have to hurt you." She ran and the Joker looked at me. "What do you need, Sparrow?" He said and I got out Jason's spare staff and whacked it around him face. He fell to the floor and I walked over to him.

I put the staff away and got out a bata-rang. I stabbed it into his shoulder and he yelled in pain. "You killed him!" I yelled and he grinned. "You're going to have to be more precise! I've killed a lot of people in the last week!" He laughed and I stabbed him in the stomach slowly. I clapped my hands and they were set on fire. "You killed the one of the most important people in my life! You killed Robin!" I rapped my hands around his neck and I burned it.

I made a 'fire dagger' of sorts and started stabbing him in not vital but painful places. I was crying angrily while hurting and hurting and hurting him! I screamed and went for his neck. I was pulled off by someone and I growled and yelled. "Let go of me, I need to kill him!" I tried to get out of the grip but I couldn't.

"Shh! I know. It's alright." Dick and and I cried into his shoulder. "Why did he have to die?...." I mumbled crying. "He's alive... Barely." I heard dad saying as he checked on the piece of human crap. "Nightwing, take her home. I'm have to get Jim and that him to Arkam." I felt Dick nodded and I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


"So, what really happened?" Jim asked and I sighed. "My daughter happened.... She tried to kill him." I said and he stared In shock. "What happened?" I stayed quiet then spoke. "Joker killed Robin.... She's taking it very badly. We all are." Jim nodded and Joker started laughing while being wheeled away.

"Hahaha! She's fun! So powerful! Is she even human?! She nearly killed me! I'm so proud. A bat-brat that will do what meant to be done! We'll have to have another talk!" I walked to him and punched him in the face. "Touch her and she won't be the one the put you in the hospital!" I growled.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! I also hope you enjoyed your day or night!!! Plz feel free to leave your thoughts!!!!


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