24) Diplomatic Decision

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I breathed out in slight fear and looked down at Jay. He smiled and gave me a thumps up. Sadly he was also recording! After a lot of hype, with the help of dad and the kid everyone was here. Gotham was quite.... No crime, no Violence, no nothing; just silence. I did a rare thing? I silenced Gotham and it listened.

I stared off into the crowd of people and sighed. "Should we care that your kids are self harming?" I asked and I saw some mixed reactions. "The children-No Young people of Gotham are going through more than what the older generation ever went through! With all the crap that's going on in the world, wars, violence, idiot president.....But the world has forgotten the most important thing? Our children! They are what we as the adults should be what we are focusing on. But then again, as the adults we seem to think that their lives are all rainbow and cupcakes, well I hate to blow your bubbles but there lives are so hard and will continue to get harder if we don't make a change!" I said confidently.

"When I was a teenager I was being bullied of a level that some of you might know. It started with the few comments! Then pushes, then kicks, then bruises, then blood! Then it ended with a blade to my wrist! It got so bad to the point that I wanted to die! But I stopped..... I realised that the bullies were just stupid little children that had nothing better to do! I said to myself that I was going to work my way up and help the people that needed it most! And I try to..... But last week I saw something that made me ashamed to not have done more! A young boy in Gotham academy with his arms and wrist more scared than anything that you could think of! The principal said that something was being done but I have that student with me today and he can confirm that nothing is! How are they supposed to grow and be kids if they are being bullied the the point that they want to kill themselves!" I said loudly and more people started to record.

"In 2017, 47, 173 Americans committed suicide! Suicide's are the 10th leading cause of death in the US! That shouldn't be like that! In 2017, it's estimated that there were 1, 300,000 suicide attempts! That number is to high! They are 10 million people in Gotham! (So the internet says?) That number is sickening to think about!" I started to feel more confident about speaking now. "We as adults should do anything we can in our power to help our children if they are going through this! Poor or rich! Black or white! It doesn't matter what race or your financial background is! And I know some might scoff thinking 'she rich she can affording!' And I'm not going to lie to you. I try to help as many young people with their self harming but it's our responsibility as their family, if you are! What kind of example are we going to give the next generation if we are all to evil to help those who need it! I am not throwing away my shot to help anyone that needs it!"

"I know most rich people send their kids to Gotham academy because they are the 'best and brightest' and they are here to set an example but and excuse me for saying this but that is some bull! If the 'best and brightest' bully another people to the point of death then they are something but they are not the best! I stand here in front of all you people and say 'why?'.... It not just bullies that cause this to happen, it is a lot of things. The older generation like to say it's the internet to blame and I partly agree but it's also school! School are brilliant don't get me wrong but they rip the passion out of the best minds that could better this world! We teach students to sit in straight lines, only speak when spoken to! What a teacher said to me as a kid was 'the best shall go somewhere in life and the slow ones get left behind' but to that I said no! Many students are cutting because of school and bullies!"  

"Schools should be teaching our kids how to discover their passion, not take it away! The people who are evil enough to want to make a kid kill themselves is no better than the villains that kill ever day! Their future and safety is decided by us and I know some if you not interested but what is your child was cutting? What is he or she killed themselves? Put yourselves in their boots, try to help..... Save a life, save a child, save your child? We decided their future so make the right choice because in the future when there passions have been ripped away and that have been forced to not get help...... They might be the doctors that help you.... They will one day be deciding how our future is ran. Set the example now.... Help me save lives. The justice league may save the world from threats but we can save the lives of millions by making the right choice. So I'm here with many victims of self harm to tell you.... we will not stand for nothing being done! We will change the future! History has its eyes on us so let's change it!"

Every kid/teen that was on he the stage lifted the sleeves up to reveal the new symbol of the charity I've been working on. We all lifted our arms into the air to show a symbol that was a circle but behind it there were red lines. "We need to change the future today!" We all said and the crowd went insane! We walked off the stage and I walk hugged by the 30 kids that were on stage. I hugged back and a camera crew came up to us.

"What does the logo represent?!" A lady asked. I looked at her and showed it to the cameras. "The kids thought of it. The circle represents the people of the world and the red lines represent the blood thousands of people have spilt and nothing being done about it." I said and she nodded. "How do you want to help the kids of Gotham?" Someone said and I nodded. "I am currently in the process of creating many, many charities around the country and eventually I hope to get some in other charities to help everyone." Josh showed the cameras his symbol. "On day this will be a symbol that is known around the world as help! Help for everyone!" He said and I smiled. "We need to help them will all of our ability." We all walked off the go to our families and I ran to mine. I was hugged by them all, even Lisa and the kid.

"You did great! That was amazing!" Dick said and I smiled. "I just hope I proved a point and something will actually be done..." Jay smirked an put a hand around me. "After that!? They have to listen!" I hugged him and then hugged the kid. "You did so well!" I spinning him around. "Thanks!" I laughed and Lisa pulled me aside. "May I speak to you when we go?" I nodded. "I think we should celebrate?!" I said happily. "Not today. Tomorrow I'll have everything ready for a celebration?" Dad said and kissed my forehead. I hugged him and smiled at nothing. "Why are you smiling so big at?" Emma asked happily.

"I just did the impossible..... I helped change everything without magic of being sparrow.... Arya Wayne just change the world." I said hugging her. "You change more than just the world! You change to future!" I smiled and started crying. "Hey why are you crying?!" Dick asked and
I smiled. "I-I made a difference! T-That all I e-ever wanted and I did it!" I cried harder and hugged my whole family again.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!! I did!!! I actually cried!!!! Not sure why but I'm apparently good with words?!!!!!! I hope you are enjoying your day or night!!!!! Plz feel free to leave your thoughts!!!!!!


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