40) demons

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I was sitting on the floor in my room with spell books around me. I was getting very frustrated! "Gah! I need a new trapping book!" The door opened and Jay laughed. "'Trapping book'?" I nodded. "What is that?" He asked. "Well it doesn't really have a name so I calling it trap book. Most magic users or hunters will kill or send demons to hell, but I trap them in this book. It's hard but I change them so they help me." He gave me a shocked look.

"That book? The book I threw at Josh's head?" I glared at him. "Don't do that..." I said angrily. "Anyway! How many demons are in that book?" I sighed at tried to remember. "Ummm? I think it's 72? Not counting Momo. But most of the demons that I come across I do send to hell, but some I help." He nodded.

"Why do you help the demons?" He mumbled. "I'm not sure? I just wanna. It's weird, I find more interest in the demons and demonic than the angels and holy. It's weird." He laughed. "You were raised by a man that dresses up in a black bat suit and practical lives in a cave. Your two brothers lurk on rooftops." I gave him a look. "You forgot that my best friend other than Emma likes to wear a red helmet and shoots people." He laughed and I smiled.

"Wanna see one of the demons?" He nodded and I grinned. "Okay. Make your finger bleed." He nodded and i not my finger. I held my finger over the page and it dropped down and the blood was absorbed my the paper. "Right which one?" He pointed to a weak but still tedious demon.

I nodded and I made his blood drip on the the small picture of the demon. The picture started to move then craw out of the book. "What is its name?" He said starring at the small cat looking thing. "It doesn't have a name. But I call vex."

"Vex? Why vex?" He asked and vex just sat there, with Cheshire grin on its face

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"Vex? Why vex?" He asked and vex just sat there, with Cheshire grin on its face. "It was very vexing trying to get it. This is a weaker but very irritating demon. Nothing harmful really. It's haunts children and plays with them. It's likes to hide very expensive things too." I rubbed its head and it went back into the book.

"Hmmm? That one." I grinned. "Are you sure? This one is very?...." He nodded. He put some blood on the page and another demon crawled out. "This is the demon Breith. He temps me to commit murder. (True fact apparently! But the next is not, just for the book)

"You know the reaper? Well these demons help him, kinda? I mean they don't but they kill humans to. Love hate relationship." He stared at Breith. "Okay. Probably best you don't spend to much time with him. You might kill someone." I commanded him back into the book.

"This Is rosier."


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