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Two months later

Living without Lisa is weird... Not going to see her and the kid at her home be now the kid was living with me. It was five in the morning and I was tossing and turning in my bed. I sighed and looked at the door. Shelia was a quiet baby and my theory about her growing fast was true.

She's only two months old but looks like a 4 month old baby? I'll have to see if I can find a still living hybrid.  She has stared mumbling but that's because she's a hybrid, they develop kinda faster than humans. I looked at my phone.

5:18 am

I heard a small knock at me door and saw Jay. I knew why he was here so I moved over and he can come in my bed. "Nightmare?" He nodded and laid down. "Same one?" He nodded again and I hummed. "This might as well be your new room." I said laughing slightly. "Maybe?" He smirked at me and my eyes went wide.

"I was kidding! You have your own room, okay?!" I said frantically and he smiled at me. "Two months and you still haven't held her? Don't you like her?" I asked and he nodded. "Definitely. I like the little monster but me and kids don't mix, it ends up in tears and there always on the kids part." I smiled at hime and he smirked. "I'm just glad josh is getting along with her. I know I was jealous about a month after Dick came to live with us but I did get over it." He grinned.

"You were jealous of the golden boy?! That is actually funny." I flicked his forehead and glared at him. "Shut up, asshole!" He looked at my hand and then me. "You still have the ring on?" I looked at my hand. "Yeah, I love it so why would I take it off." I smiled slightly and he hummed. "You know you haven't smiled properly since that day..." I nodded and laid closer to him.

"You're warm." He rolled his eyes. "Stop dodging the question, Arya. Are you okay?" I shrugged and played with his white streak. "I don't know? She's not here but having Shelia here helps me." He nodded and I gave him a look. "What?" He just sighed. "I know I'm violent but you have been a lot angrier on patrol." I gave him a look.

"I'm going to sleep." I mumbled turning over and he hummed. "I don't think so? You haven't slept in a week. I know you don't cause when you think I'm asleep I can hear you crying but you are just fucking headstrong to ask me to help." He said and I didn't even say anything. "Arya? You have to talk to me." I growled. "I can here Shelia crying." I stood up and walked out.

It was a cold night and I was in shorts and a shirt. The sun was coming up and despite it being fucking cold the sun provided a touch of warmth. I walked into Shelia's room and she was sleeping soundly, tucked in nice and tight so she wouldn't get cold. I smiled at her and walked out and went across the hall to see is Josh was fine.

I slowly walked in to see him sleeping. I smiled at him and put the blanket that was sprawled out on the floor on him, to keep his warm. "Well I'm glad you're finally asleep." I kissed his head and walked out to see Jay giving me one of his disapproving looks. "Go to sleep, now." I rolled my eyes at him and walked past him.

He grabbed my hand and o growled. "You haven't been eating or sleeping?! How are you meant be a vigilante if you aren't looking after your self?!" He whisper yelled at me. "Get off my case! I don't answer to you!" I ripped my arm out of his grip and stormed back to my room, locking the door as well. I slid down it and held my head. I heard jay sit by the other side of the door.

"Arya?" I didn't reply. I don't know why? "Are you ignoring me? How rude!" He said insulted and I laughed. "I just? I don't wanna talk about it. And I am eating..." He hummed. "Not enough." I rested my head on the door. He went to say something but stopped. "What? What are you gonna say?" This made him sigh. "Who's gonna care for for these two if you don't die? You need to eat." I jumped up and opened my door so fast it slammed into the wall. "I am! I am not going anywhere!" He nodded and smiled.

"I know I couldn't do it? Kids terrify me. Creepy little things." I hugged him and he stumbled back a bit. "I'm sorry for worrying you. I- I've lost people before but none like her... If I ever lost the kids, my family or you I'd actually lose it." I felt him nodded and dragged me to my bed. "To make it up to me you have to sleep? And eat when you wake up." I nodded and laid down. He laid down next to me and grinned like an idiot.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow at him and he nodded. "Nothing." I pouted and turned over. "Not talking to you till you tell me." He chuckled and my face went red. "Oh come on? Can't stay quiet forever." He said smugly and I crossed my arms and glared at the wall. Nobody I've ever known can make me like this?! The fuck?!

"Shut up! You asshole." I growled and he leaned over and grinned at me. His hair was hanging down and it was messy in the cute way. I tilted my head and for a second I saw the little asshole kid I grew up with. He raised an eyebrow at me just staring at him. He laid down and I turned to him. "What? Why are you giving me that look?" I smiled and he gave me a look. "Nothing... but when you leaned over and I saw your face, I saw that innocent little angry asshole I grew up with."

His eyes went slightly wide and I smiled. "You were a little asshole, were you?" He nodded and smirked. "And you were the fiery goody two shoes with an attitude." I rolled my eyes and him. "If you say so? I miss being a kid... The innocence of it all. No responsibilities. Nothing to worry about except from where am I going to hide from you when playing hide and go seek."

He hummed. "Before I came Robin.... Remember when we were at the county house and we were by that little river?" I nodded. "Were were climbing trees but you fell and I used a spell to grab you. It took us about an hour to get to the top because you were scared." He rolled his eyes. "I did fall out of a tree and I was 11." I smiled. "That was one of the only times you said 'I'm scared' to me. The other times I knew but you always had to be the big, strong boy." He nodded and I grinned.  "You were always the know it all in school. Hand up at every question. Remember when you corrected the professor that came into school?" I covered my mouth as I laughed.

"Yeah! But come on, she made a mistake and I couldn't just sit there." He closed his eyes and smiled at nothing. "Yeah, I'd like to be a kid again. But if there was a moment o could go back to, then it would be all the times I came into your room and laid the back of my head on you stomach and just told you my problems. You were a good therapist." I smiled at him and looked out the window. It was brighter and I was a lot warmer now.

"Thanks, Jay. This has helped me, more than I thought it would?" He nodded and looked me dead in the eye. "Do you think I'm a bad person? I've killed and murdered but you don't seem bothered by it?" I did say anything, confused on what to say to him, I yawned. "Why don't you sleep? I can sort out everything?" He suggested and I closed my eyes and nodded. "Hey... Jay? This has been nice. A little heart to heart.... I don't get many chances to do thanks and I know it will be hard without Lisa so thank you." He nodded and I was basically falling into a deep sleep at this moment. I quickly opened my eyes to see him sat up and about to get up. I smiled and leaned over to him and kissed him on the lips.

It was quick but meaningful to me, I didn't mind if it didn't mean anything to him but it meant the world to me. After about a minute I let go and laid down to sleep. "Love ya Jay...."

I hope you enjoyed this shitty chapter!!!!! I hope you are enjoying your day or night!!!!! Plz feel free to leave your thoughts On this chapter!!!!

BYEEEEEEE my beautiful reader!!!!!!!!

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