29) fiancé

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After a long, long drive in the limo we arrived at the palace. "So when is the wedding?" He smiled. "It is in a week. I hope you don't wear those Sunglasses  when you come?" I gave him a look. "Don't count on me not wearing them." We all got out and I looked at the kid. "Don't tell anyone your real name. Make a fake name." He nodded. I stood behind the prince and Jay walked up beside me. "I don't trust this..." I nodded. "That's how I felt when I first got here but it's a nice place." We walked in and I looked about.

"Wow! This place is awesome!" I patted the kids back. "Shhh. The princess will get here soon. So bow and only talk if you are spoken to, yeah? This lot are very touchy." He laughed and smiled. "SPARROW!" I flinched as I heard a happy little female yell. I was attack hugged by a small blue blob? "Sorry? Do I know you?" The girl giggled. "It's me!" I looked at the girl then it clicked. "Cristian?!" I hugged her and spun her around. "Look how big you've gotten?!" I said happily. She smiled and looked at the boys. Josh held out his hand to shake hers and everyone yelled and pointed their guns at him. I jumped into if him and yelled. "HEY! Calm down! He doesn't know anything about the way you do stuff!" I yelled pointing my palms at them, ready to send fire at them..... Normal fire naturally!

"Everyone calm down. The child did not know." Adrian said and everyone lowered their guns, slowly. Adrian looked at the kid and gave him a smile. "Please try not to touch my sister. The guards might try to shoot you." He nodded and I stood close to him. "I'm Cristian but call me Tina!" Tina whispered then held my arm. "How come you can touch her?" Jay asked and I smiled. "They trust me. I've saved most of the people in this place." We walked to a ball room and Adrian laughed happily. "And we are all forever in your dept?" I looked at Adrian and sighed. "They are just as angry as ever, I see?" He smiled and spoke. "We will meet my fiancee and the dinner. Come!" He ushered us to the main food hall and we walk took our seats.

I made sure to have Jay on my left and the kid on my right. I smiled at what was about to happen. I informed Jay about it on the plane when the kid was asleep, this will determine if we properly train him. After a few minutes the food came and I looked at Adrian and he slightly nodded. I smiled and looked at the kid. We were all eating but he stared at his soup. "Is everything alright?" I asked him. He shrugged. "Jason said when I'm eating something in a new place to test what I'm putting in my body?" I looked at him but mentally smiled. He grabbed the wine glass which only had water in it and swirled it. He stared and it and smelt it.

He started to tilt it slightly and he smiled. "I'll pass on that water, thank you though." I smiled and hugged him. "You did well!" I said and I tilted his head. "Was this a test?" I nodded. "I had to do it when I first came here. What was wrong with the water?" He nodded at me. "It's slightly smelt of vinegar. And when I was swirling it then stopped things went to the bottom of the glass." I smiled. "Now we can train you for real!" I said and he smiled. "The soup is safe though, right?" I nodded and he ate his food.

A servant came in and bowed. "The princesses is here, my prince." He walked to the door and opened the door for a small-ish, long black haired girl, maybe eighteen? She sat down and someone pushed her seat in. She scowled at the servant. "Are you going to say thank you?" The kid said. My head snapped towards him. "Kid!" I whispered. I looked at the girl. "He means no disrespect." I said and she scolded. "Learn to control your monkey!" She said as she closed her eyes and began to eat her soup. I looked at Jay angrily. "She did not just call my kid a monkey!" I was about to stand up but he forced me to sit down. "Please excuse my future wife. She is.... less then fond of strangers." Adrian said while smiling anxiously. "I'm less then fond of rude little shits but here we are?" I mumbled. Tina giggled and her mother gave her a look. "When was the wedding decided?" Jay said trying to calm me.

"It was decided two years ago. It was an arranged." He said but he mumbled the last part. "Why though? Why would you want to marry someone you don't love them?" Kid asked looking at him. "That is just something people like me have to live with, cel mic." The kid scowled at the idea and looked at me. "Don't go in a arranges marriage to better your company." He whispered. "I don't intend to. If I ever marry it will because I love the person." I said and smiled. The girl scoffed. "Love means nothing in royalty. It is always decided." I glared at her and leaned over to Jay. "It's going to be hard to protect that at the wedding." He smirked and the girl glared at me.

"ignoranți nebuni." She hissed and I smiled. "Sorry 'my' princess, I can understand you. Not so much of a ignoranți nebuni, are I?" I smirked and she scoffed. The king coughed to get our attention. "Now that we have eaten the servants will show you to your room.

Time skip

I looked around my room in awe. "I think they went overboard? This isn't even one of the royal's room but it feel like it is." I said and I heard a knock at my door. I walked to it and opened it to see the princess and a guard. She pushed passed me and stood in the room crossing her arms. "This all must seem very overwhelming to you? Working in a horrific place such as Gotham city must scary?" She said glaring. "I have seen far scarier things than you could even begin to imagine. And no, this is actually very familiar to me. Huge place, small person. I grew up around it all." She glared at me.

"I have a small task for you. I will ask a few questions and you will answer." I nodded. "In one word." I smiled and sat on my bed. "Why do you treat me like any other person? You know I am a future queen?" I nodded. "Equals." I said and she spoke again. "Why are you here? My finance did not speak of you coming. Although he speaks highly of you." I shrugged. "Protection." She day next to on the bed too. "Why not get protection for the Guard?" I pointed to myself using my thump. "Experienced."

"Why would we need protection at our wedding." I shrugged. "Threat?" I said questioningly. "Why did you become a hero? Your life is at risk and you started doing it when you were nine years of age." I thought about it. "Saviour." She tilted her head. "You are yourself as humanity's saviour?" I shook my head. "Protector." She nodded and smiled, surprisingly not a glare. "You passed the task." She walked out and of the room and soon Jay and the kid walked in. "What's her deal?" Jay asked and I smiled. "Not sure? But I think she just learnt some humanity?" I said and I laid on the bed. "I'm so tired!" I said as Josh jumped next to me and Jay sat on the other side.

"You know, the princess doesn't like you? Why?" The kid asked and I looked at the wall. "Well I think I just proved her wrong? But really, it was because I see us as equals, really I see everybody as equals but some don't like that idea. Kid, if I'm training you always see everyone as important." He nodded. "Even villains have good in them." I said referring to my aunts. "I'm so tired!" The kid said stretching. "Go to sleep." I said and he just closed his eyes and I smirked. "In you own room?" He groaned and slowly walked towards the door. "Remember, call if your in trouble, K?" I said and he nodded. "You out too." I said and Jay walked to the door. "Night!" I said as I closed the door. I jumped on the bed and looked at the wall. "Maybe this will be fun?"


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!!!! I hope you are enjoying your day or night!!!! Plz feel free to leave your thoughts on this chapter!!!!

Cel mic = little one
ignoranți nebuni = ignorant fool
Both words are in Romanian!! I'm not sure what language they actually speak in the fictional place, Vlatava??


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