31) wedding

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time skip of two day!! Morning of the wedding

"Can I can on your phone?" Kid asked and I smiled and nodded. I handed him the phone and Jay smirked. "He has you wrapped around his finger, you know?" I scoffed. "No. I know when to say no but i like spoiling him. He's not a brat though." I said as I laid back on my bed. "So the wedding is today? I thought it was in a week?" I shrugged and sighed. "It got pushed forward or something like that?" I looked at the time. "Right kid, get dressed." He groaned and smiled at me. "When did this happen?" He said showing me my phone to see the picture last I took of me and the princess.

"She wanted to go out." I said shrugging. I was about to say 'get dressed now' but I heard crashing outside the door. Kid jumped and I patted his back. "It's nothing. Go get dres-"


I jumped and stared at the door. "Kid. Stay here. Jay keep any eye on him." Jay agreed and I grabbed my (Jay's old) utility belt and wrapped it around my hips. I slowly opened the door and look down the hall to see smashed glass. I walked down the hall carefully and when I was about to turn the corner I heard Adrian. I flew up to the roof and sighed as I heard him growl. "But my prince? We are not ready!" His personal servant said frantically. "I don't care! The plans will go ahead as promised." He hissed. "And the hero's?" I stared at them confused. "Kill all except Sparrow... Kill the others. They would be in my way but no harm is to come to Sparrow. Kill the hood and the little one." I covered my mouth to stop a gasp and ran back to my room. I slowly walked in and looked at the boys.

Jay was getting a tie in and I walked to him. "Be careful today." He smirked. "Thanks for the concern but I think I'll be fine." He finished his tie and I glared. "No Jason! I want you to be careful! I think something is going to happen and I want you to be careful!" I said and he stared at me shocked. "You ok? You're snappy, more than usual?" He laughed and I shook my head. "Something might happen today so I want you and Kid to be careful. We need to keep an eye on him." We nodded and I pushed him out my room. "Right! Now I need to get dressed." I closed the door and walked to the clothes that was hanging up.

"I hate the fact that I am one of the 'special' guard here. I have to wear this. Urgh." I walked into the bathroom and undressed and up the clothes on. I didn't change my hair but I did have a few batarangs hid on the outside of my thigh. I walked out and looked at the mirror. "Lets day this."

Her outfit

This is what the royal guards wear

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This is what the royal guards wear. She was given this title because she had saved the Prince's life before

Oh and this is Maria's dress

Oh and this is Maria's dress

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Time skip

Everyone was in this huge fucking church and I was stood next to Jay, we were guarding the main people .i.e. the prince and Maria. Maria was standing next to Adrian, holding hands and I let out an annoyed breathe. "You ok?" Jay whispered to me. I slightly nodded and the priest started talking. "Yeah.... I guess. Not my kinda day though. I hate weddings." I whispered back and he smiled at me. He looked at my outfit and laughed. "Any comments about my outfit and I'll castrate you." I hissed and he smiled.

"Wouldn't dream of it. Have you noticed that there are loads of guards?" I nodded. "Probably for whatever he has planned? I thought he and I were friends but we just wants the throne." I growled and the priest ushered me to where he was standing. I did but I titled my head. "You say a few words and say I now pronounce you husband and wife." Maria said and I nodded.

I smiled at her but didn't at Adrian. "I never thought a immature child like Prince Adrian would ever get married but here we are. His intentions for this country are hopefully to better it. So in the name of the father... I-I pronounce you husband and wife." I said and they kissed. Everyone clapped and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see a guard. "Please could you come with us? We'd like to show you something?" He said and I faked my confusion. "Sure?" I went to Jay and hugged him. I slipped a tracking device in his pocket so it could track the transmitter, he could track me if anything happened. "I'll be back in a bit." I went to hug him again and whispered to him. "Keep the kid safe." I stood back and smiled brightly. "Save me some cake, ok?" I walked out the alter with the guard and he took me down to the lower levels.

We got in a elevator that shouldn't be here and more people got in. I smiled at myself. More people got in and I grinned. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Nobody said anything and I punch a guy in the face the threw him into two others. One guy rammed me into the wall and I hissed. "yticirtcele!" I slammed my hands on his neck and sent electricity through his body. I kicked another in the face and then put another in and arm lock and dislocated his shoulder. I finished the last few and I breathed out and got out of the elevator to seen Adrian with a few men.

"You really are amazing." He said as someone whacked me around the head.

Time skip

I slowly opened my eyes to see Adrian and a few men. I smirked and tried to move my hands. "These bonds are awful tight? Mind untying them?" One guard came up to me and backhanded me. "You shall speak only when spoken to!" I smirked and Adrian leaned down to me and scoffed but smiled kindly to me. "I thought you'd put up more of a fight? The great Sparrow, just a caught little bird." I spat blood from the slap into his face. I smirked. He growled and wiped his face.

"Why do you want to kill my friends?" I asked and he growled. "They are in the way?" I scoffed. "And I'm not? I'm more dangerous than both of them put together. If anything I should be the one that needs to be dead." I said smirking. "Not with this on." He put some sort of collar on me and I smirked. "Sorry not into kinky shit. The hell is this?" It zapped me and I hissed. "It suppresses powers, like yours." I grinned. "I don't need them to kick your ass!" He walked out and I glared at him.

"If you don't mind. I have a crown to get." He walked out and I looked around. 'We are still in the palace.... Deep down by the look of this room?' I thought and I looked at the guards. 'Two guards. The one closest to me is a smoker judging by the fidgeting. Right handed and left eye injured. The furthest one is stronger.... Strong build, right handed too, by the looks of it me is more for the offence.... Lucky me.' I smiled.

"Hey" I said to the closer, younger guard. "Can you please loosen up this rope? It really hurts." I said acting girly and helpless. "No." He said and I pouted. "Please. They are rubbing really tight. They really hurt. That guy won't even notice." I said bobbing my head in the direction on the guy facing the door. "I can't use my powers anymore. How much trouble can I be?" I smiled winking and I mentally cringed at my self but it seemed to work. "I'm not sure?" He said smirking. "What do I get in out of this?" I smiled and he loosened to rope.

He can closed and placed his lips on mine. I slipped up hands out of the rope and grabbed his keycards. I then grabbed him by the throat and threw him into the wall. The other guy ran at me and went to punch me. I blocked the punch then wrapped my arm around his and punched him in the face. (You know? Like in that scene in the apartment in venom)

I grinned and grabbed his gun. "No my style but I can shoot as warnings. And the lights!" I smiled and ran down the old, stone halls.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!!!! I hope you enjoyed your day or night!!!!!! Plz feel free to leave your thoughts on this chapter!!!!!


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