42) the covenant

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"The covenant of witches? What a stupid name." Jay laughed and I shook my head. "Not the time Jay." I looked at the group of three. "Talk, now." They glared at the boys. "Not with your monkeys where. We all know mundanes are untrustworthy and kill everything." I glared at the man that just spoke.

"Whatever you assholes need to tell me you can say in front of them." He gave me a look. "Phorcys..." I stare in shock at the man. "Kid? I-I'm gonna send you home." He was about to protests but I teleported him home. "Now, Jason? Could you wait in you room? This doesn't concern you." He went to my room and I knew wheat he was gonna do. That idiot was gonna try and hack the cameras.

"So." I sat down and so did they. "What's the danger?" They took off their hoods. "We have all had a vision... To do with you... It isn't very good from what we can see." I nodded and sighed. "It has something to do with you." I gave them a look. "You think if something was gonna happen to me I wouldn't know it? I'd have one of my visions." I said and they shook their heads. "Not if it's to do with you. We know you have been able to see visions of things that could happen but this was different. It was-"

"Don't wanna know. If I'm in danger, knowing would take the fun out of it-" The main guy lean over and whispered something in a language I don't know. "What does it mean? I don't understand. It's a warning?" He nodded and eyes me. "I think you need to know." I waved it off. "No. Having knowledge of the future, even though it's not for definite,  it's still knowing something that could affect shit. I'll die happy not knowing to." The main guy scoffed. "You wish you knew!" I glared at him.

Jay walked out and had a gun in hand. "If your gonna come in here and scream I'm going to shoot you." The man laughed. "The infamous angel has to get mundane to defend her?" He walked up to Jay and raised his hand. I grabbed him by the throat and lifted him in the air. "Don't touch him!" I said growling. "I need no one defending me from anything, blood witch." I said referring to the name most give the members of the covenant. "One of the most powerful witches in the world hides and waits!"

I dropped him and he stepped back and coughed. "You were warned. Whatever happens from here and out is on you." They teleported away. Jay scoffed and glared at nothing. "What assholes." I sat on the couch and nodded. "The covenant are." Jay sat next to me and placed his gun on the coffee table. "So, What are that covenant? They seem like pretty powerful for some men in bath ropes." I laughed. "Basically its a bunch of assholes that steal power from others but they'd never try that on me."

"Why? Are you some sort of big shot?" He said smirking. "Something like that." I said and he laughed. "Right! Anyway. What was this thing that you didn't want the best person in Gotham knowing." I playfully glared at him. "It was nothing. Something that doesn't concern you." He tried to look insulted. "Rude." I smiled and got dressed into my hero suit.

Time skip

"Tell me."


"Tell me."


"Tell me."


"Telll meeee."

"Urghhhh! Why?!" I groaned. I knew he was smirking in his helmet. "They! I'm? Ummm?" I sighed. "I'm powerful, very powerful. I don't like to talk about it cause I makes me sound like an egotistical asshole, so like you." He turned to me and flipped me the bird. I smiled. "You said they would never take your power?" I nodded. "Because my power is feared. I have done things bad things to help people, not killing but I done things. One of the covenants members are called the dream walker. She got in my head." I said looking out on a quiet, snowing Gotham.

"Where is She now." I sighed and took my domino mask off. "In an asylum... What she saw? The things in my mind shouldn't be seen. She went crazy. I visit from time to time to try and fix the damage but she's too far gone. When I met the justice league I had to advise manhunter to not go in my head for anything, no reason in the world."

"Wow. That's edgy." I laughed loudly and slapped him. "I'm being serious! Don't laugh!" I laughed but then took off my right fingerless, long glove off and sighed. "This shit! I think I might need a new pair of gloves. I haven't been using my nanotech suit for a little bit but maybe I should." I said looking at the hole in my glove. I saw Jay visible shift. "What?" I looked at my arm and sighed.

"Don't think about it. It was years ago so don't think about it." See, I have a noticeable scar on my arm. I had a batarang thrown at me by Jay after a mouth of knowing him. I was annoying him for the entire day and I said something that hit a nerve. I told him I didn't care but I actually did. At the time I was only using my right hand since I was dominate in it but I don't care now as I'm ambidextrous nowadays but I think he always took it to heart.

"No need to be sorry. I never blamed you for it, I was only pissed because I didn't expect you to yell at me. But hey, I got a cool scar out of it." I said smiling and he didn't say anything. "Why did I do that? I scared you because I couldn't control my anger." I smiled kindly at him and put a hand on his shoulder. "I don't care abou-"

"You didn't speak to me for two months." He said blankly. "Like I said I was only cared because you yelled at me. I definitely deserved more than getting yelled at and a batarang to the arm." He took off his helmet which just left his mask. I looked at his hair and the white streak in his hair was very noticeable and it was kinda cute.

"Jay, don't worry." I said smiling. He took off his mask and ripped off the red bat symbol I added to his suit. "I'll be back later." I gave him a look. "Where are you going?" He stood on the edge of the buildings. "Somewhere."

I hope you enjoyed this shitty chapter!!!!! I hope you are enjoying your day or night!!!!! Plz feel free to leave your thoughts On this chapter!!!!

BYEEEEEE my beautiful readers!!!!!!!!

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