45) birthday!!!!

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One week later


I snapped my head up and saw Emma smirking at me with her phone? "Emma? Why are you taking pictures of me? If this is to do with your creepy fetish then I'm not interested." I said giggling. She glared at me then smirked.

"What were you and Jason doing last night?" I remembered what happened and looked down and Jay to see him sleeping with the side of his head on my chest. "Alrjdvxkdpwlw! I thought he was next to me!" I whisper yelled. "Apparently not? And can't blame the guy?  Your chest is very comfy." I glared at her and she smiled at me.

"Not the time." I slowly moved him off me. "Why was he in your bed?" I sighed but put the blanket over the sleep Jay. "He's been having these nightmares. So he comes into my bed in the middle of the night. I don't stop him cause the nightmares are slightly less painful when he's near me." I said walking out into the kitchen.

"Happy birthday, Arya. You have turned 21 today. Congratulations." C.L.A.I.R.E said and I give her head a look. "Today's not my birth?- Oh my god today's my birthday!!" I Screamed happily. "I'm 21! Yasss!" I ran to my room and quietly walked in and grabbed some clothes.

I walked out and went to the main bathroom of the penthouse. I got dressed and all the other things I did in the morning.

I walked out and grinned

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I walked out and grinned. "Does dad want me at the manor of here?" I asked Emma since she would know as she has been taking care of my birthday since I was 11! "At you dad's. It looked like its gonna snow so we are getting you to open your gifts at his manor." I nodded and looked at the time.

"I'm gonna go wake up jay. You can go and do what you do. Also please say you didn't waste lots of money on me?" Emma smiled. "Secrets." I smiled and she walked out. I walked to my room and walked over to Jay. "Hey? Jay? Wake up." I said lightly shaking him. He groaned and rolled over. "Not that I'm not glad you actually slept last night but wake up." He pulled the blanket over his head. "Nooooooo."

I smiled. "Jay, wake up before I throw you out of my bed." I said innocently. "I'm in your bed? Oh well? I'm tired...." he said and I sighed. I pulled the blanket off him and he groaned. "Let me sleep!" He said. He got out and I sighed. "Did you have the dream again?" He nodded. "Yeah, but it wasn't as bad." I nodded and threw clothes at him. "Get dressed. I'm making food!" I said smiling and walked out and started to make pancakes.

After making them I saw jay walk out of my room and he saw at the island. "My head is hurts." He said and I smiled. "That's what happens when you try to get in my bed and there are spells books on my bed." He shook his head. "No you are mumbling spells in your sleep and after that my head started to hurt." I laughed and placed my hand on his head.

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