39) families and future?

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"Josh! I will beat you!" I yelled at him and The tv..... mostly the tv... we were playing video games in his living room and I was losing! "Fuck sake! Fucking god! No! No! No! No! No! Don't jump at me, bitch! I'll fucking stabbed your parents!" I yelled angrily at the TV

"Arya! Stop swearing!" I glared at the tv. "Where did you say you got this game?" I said the Kid. "Some guy made it at school and I won it off him. He lost a bet." I smiled at him and the front door opened. "Who's yelling? I can hear it from down the hall." Jay said laughing. "That was me. Kid has a rigged game and I'm very salty about it."

"No, you're just shit at games." He said and I glared at him. "I'm the best! But it doesn't help when I am playing a rigged game!" I called out and I heard a dish smash. I heard grunting pains. "Lisa! Are you okay?" I yelled as I ran to her. "It's not time is it?" She gave me a smile. "No, just kicking. Their healthy for a baby that will be born soon. It's only been a few months, five I think?" I said her down at the table.

I placed my hand on her belly and smiled. "Their very healthy. The child will be okay." I said sadly and Jay gave me a look of sympathy. "Arya? What's up?" Lisa asked and I breathed but smiled. "Nothing! Why would anything be up? I'm just happy your having a baby." She gave me a look. "Jason? Can you take Josh out to the arcade or something? I have some money here." Jay waved at her. "Nah. I'll pay for it."

The boys walked out and we walked to the couch. "Tell me what's up. I'm pregnant not stupid. You think I can't see the pained look in your eye when you look at me. Please tell me." I felt some tears down my face. "Y-You're going to die." She blinked at me,  shocked. "I beg your pardon?" I smiled weakly. "I can't do anything to stop it. You're baby will kill you a-and I can't stop it!" She hugged me.

"Tell me from the start." I nodded. "I'm the hero Sparrow and I am a witch that works with angels and goes around sending demons or evil spirts to hell. I help good spirts pass to heaven and I have a demon cat. One of the angles I help told me that when you got with that man he was an angel in a humans form/ trapped in human form."

"The energy that will come from your child with escape into your body. That amount of power and you being in a weak state from child birth will kill you. I was going to give you my life in order for you to live but I'm not allowed, the angels won't let me." I said. "You're going to die because I'm not a-allowed to give up my life." The tears were coming down. I heard a quiet giggle. "Like hell I'd even let you die for me." I give her a shocked look.

"I am happy that you told me about the whole thing. But you can't and shouldn't try to stop this from happening. It's meant to." She hugged me and I cried into her shoulder. "That doesn't make it right. I never had a m-mom, you are the closest thing I had- and-" I cried hard.

"I-If you die, I don't know what I'll do to myself without you!" I broke down.


"I always used to come here! It's like my second home! Mom used to bring me here. I should bring her here after my brother's been born!" I said happily and Jason gave me a fake smile. "Sure, kid. Let's play some games." I nodded and we walked to a game machine. I started playing and he smiled. "So, you're gonna be an older brother? What do you hope it is?" He asked awkwardly. "Your not used to the whole baby talk, are you?"

"Absolutely not. Babies are not my thing." He said and I laughed. "Don't you wanna be a dad?" He laughed historically. "Me?! A dad? Hahaha! That's a funny joke, kid." He carries on laughing. I gave him a look. "Yeah! You'd be like that cool dad." He gave me a look. "How 'bout no? Your bad enough and your not even my kid." I laughed. "Wouldn't Arya make a cool mom?" He tilted his head.

"I guess? But I pity the guy that has a kid with her. She's scary." We both laughed and he played the game next to me. "Are you ever gonna get married?" He chokes on nothing. "I'm twenty-two! Calm down! Damn, you are the only kids I know who thinks about that crap." I laughed. "I mean, you don't want to be the red hood till you die, right?" He laughed. "Look, I'm to?.... me, to have kids or get married. I don't think about what will happen when I decide not to be red hood, hopefully someone shoots me before I even consider it. I'll cut you a deal. If I die you can be red hood." He said sarcastically.

"That be awesome!" He laughed. "Not really. To do what we do, you always need to have this wall built. People die, we die. It's best not to get to overly attached to strangers... But when people like you and Lisa walk into our life it's hard to build those walls." I smiled. "Like if Arya never went to visit my grave on that day she would have probably never have met you. People like you are the ones that make life good." I smiled at him.

"This was a deep conversation? I stand by what I say! You and Arya would make awesome parents!" He laughed but it was full of doubt. "Why? She is a huge child and I'm a weirdo that has been dead and I kill loads of people. We are dysfunctional." I nodded.

"Most families are, that's what makes them all similar but the same." I said. For the rest of the day we were laughing and talking about all kinds of shit.

I hope you enjoyed this shitty chapter!!!!! I hope you are enjoying your day or night!!!!! Plz feel free to leave your thoughts One this chapter!!!!

BYEEEEE you beautiful people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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