Ch. 1

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First chapter , hope it'll be good .

Enjoy x


"Are you sure you don't want to come with me ?" Liam asked as he put his coat on , Louis shook his head and pulled the soft blanket up to his chin . Liam nodded , "Alright , I'll be back soon ."

Louis nodded and watched him leaving , looking out of the window as he made his way down their pathway , across the road and up to the front door of the new neighbours' house .

Liam positioned the cake carefully in one hand , his other knocking on the door . There were loud barks from inside , and seconds later the door opened , a tall , broad guy stood there with a smile . "Hello ."

"Hi mate , I'm Liam , the neighbour right across the street ." Liam smiled and pointed his thumb backwards , "Just wanted to come say welcome to the neighbourhood ."

"Thank you . I'm Harry , I just moved here yesterday ." Harry flashed a dimpled smile and shook his hand , when two , large dogs ran up to the door wagging their tails .

Harry chuckled at the two and held their collars , "Sorry about them , they get excited when they meet new people . Come in ." He walked in with Liam following , closing the door .

"Your dogs are okay , they aren't a trouble at all . My brother and I love pets ." Liam smiled down at the two large dogs . Harry had a Saint Bernard , fluffy , sweet and playful , and an Anatolian Shepherd , playful and up for cuddles .

"This is Mojo ." Harry pet the Saint Bernard , "And this is Fuji ." He smiled down at the Shepherd .

" He smiled down at the Shepherd

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"Cute names ." Liam smiled as he was led to the kitchen , Harry thanked him . Liam looked around a little . "Do you live here on your own ?"

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