Ch. 47

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Louis woke up first , squished into Harry under the soft sheets , the two of them still in the living room in front of the fireplace , which died hours ago . He wiggled around a bit , scrunching his nose at the feeling of his and Harry's sticky with sweat bodies pressed together .

Harry hummed and shifted closer when Louis moved away , "Where are you going ?" He whispered , his voice deep and rough from sleep . Louis' cheeks painted pink , letting Harry pull him closer .

"Is your voice back , bubbie ?" Harry asked , resting his hand on Louis' cheek , Louis cleared his throat , "I-I - yes ."

"Good . Was worried ." Harry kissed his forehead . "You feeling alright ?"

Louis nodded , biting his lower lip . "B-bit sore , kind of ." 

Harry gave him a gentle smile and pressed a longer kiss to his forehead , "We should go shower before breakfast ."

"Yeah , we're gross ." Louis chuckled quietly , feeling Harry's chest rising with a huffed laugh . 

"Do you want your tea before or after shower ?" Harry asked , combing Louis' hair back and thumbing behind his ear . Louis leaned into his hand , "After . Shower first ."

"Okay ." Harry smiled , pecking his lips shortly before untangling from around him and sitting up , stretching his arms up and arching his legs .

"Oh no ." Louis pouted , Harry turned to look at him , "What happened ?"

"Your back . 's all red from my nails ." Louis sat up and traced the reddening scratches , "Sorry ."

Harry smirked to himself , "When you see your neck and hips you'll realize we're even . I covered you up in lovebites , bubba ."

Louis moved the covers off a bit to show his right hip , blushing when he saw the red teeth marks . Harry handed him his boxers to wear , they got into their underwear quickly and hurried up the stairs to the shower to stay warm .

Louis prepared clothes for himself and for Harry , along with their towels , while Harry was preparing the shower . He walked into the bathroom and closed the door , blushing when he saw Harry was already naked , so he pulled his boxers off and stepped into the shower first , wanting to blame his red cheeks on the hot water .

Harry stepped under the shower head behind him , hands on his waist , "I'll do your hair ." He brought his hands up to Louis' hair to make sure it's all wet , then reached for the shampoo . He poured it into his hand and massaged Louis' hair , taking his time rubbing his scalp .

Louis closed his eyes and smiled softly at the gesture , stepping under the running water to wash the shampoo off , then taking Harry's shampoo to wash his hair for him . Harry smiled and stood with his back to Louis and his head tilted backwards , for Louis to have better access . When he was done he let Harry wash his hair from the shampoo while he soaped himself and put a bit of hair conditioner on . 

He washed himself off and stepped out of the shower , quickly wrapping himself in a large towel . Harry followed and wrapped the towel around his waist , before leaing in and pressing a kiss to the lovebite on Louis' shoulder at the base of his neck . "What do you want for breakfast ?"

Louis held the towel around himself with one hand , brushing his teeth with the other . He mumbled 'everything' around a mouthfull of toothpaste , Harry laughed and grabbed his toothbrush , "Anything specific or are you good with whatever ?"

"Wha'ev'r ." Louis mumbled before washing his mouth , putting his toothbrush back down , "I'm fine with whatever there is ."

Harry nodded and watched Louis stepping out of the bathroom to dry himself in their bedroom , he put his boxers on and smoothed himself in body lotion . He put his sweater and sweatpants on , giggling when Harry grabbed him and pushed his nose against his neck to sniff him , pushing him away , "Creep ."

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