Ch. 6

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Liam asked Harry to pick Louis up from school on one Thursday , since Geoff was away for two days and Liam was busy till late that night . Harry of course agreed , he was quite giddy about spending time with the smaller boy . 

When Louis got Liam's text during his lunch time , his heart skipped a beat , he hadn't seen Harry all week and was happy he was going to see him . He didn't want to admit he was crushing on the tall lad , though he hundred percent was .


Harry waited by the school gates , he heard the bell ringing and moments later students rolled out of the building , some walked to the bus stop , some into their cars parked in the school's parking lot .

Soon enough he saw Louis walking out of the building , looking smaller than the students around him Harry almost missed him .

Louis looked around a bit , a frown on his face when he didn't see Harry . When his eyes landed on Harry walking towards him his face lit evidently .

"Hey Louis ." Harry smiled , Louis walked up to him and waved a little .

"Ready to go ?" Harry asked and offered his hand , when he realized Louis wouldn't take it . Louis nodded at him , and before Harry took his hand back Louis wrapped his much -so so much- smaller hand around Harry's .

Harry was speechless for a few seconds as he looked at their hands before tightening his hand around Louis' softly , smiling at him . They walked to Harry's car hand in hand , Harry opened the passenger's door for him , making Louis blush as he sat himself in .

Harry got into the driver's seat and started the car , "I made us something to eat back at my place , do you like mac n cheese with chicken ?"

Louis nodded his head , Harry smiled , "Great ."

After about a minute spent in silence Harry glanced over at Louis . "How was school today ?"

Louis lifted his thumb up and nodded once , as if saying it was okay . Harry nodded , "Good . Anything unusual ?" He asked cautiously , Louis shook his head .

"Alright ." Harry smiled softly , "Mojo and Fuji missed you quite a lot , to be honest . They bark for you when they see you through the window ."

A smile tugged on his lips , he couldn't control it ; he liked the two dogs a lot . And Harry . He liked him a lot . like , a lot .

Ten minutes later they reached Harry's place , Harry parked in the driveway and the two got out of the car . As Harry was unlocking the house , they could hear the two dogs racing to the door at hearing the key rustling in the keyhole .

Harry pushed the door open and let out an 'oof' when Mojo jumped on him and barked in excitement . "Ugh , you're heavy ." He sighed and placed the dog down on all fours , pecking his head along with Fuji's .

Louis stepped into the house and closed the door , Harry turned to him , "You can put your bag here in the entrace , let's go eat ."

Louis took his schoolbag off his shoulders and placed it neatly at the front , turning to the two dogs who were nudging him for his attention . Louis smiled softly and pet the two dogs , knowing Harry was watching them from the kitchen entrace .

He stood up straight and looked over to Harry , who smiled at him , "I'm going to wash my hands , want to come ?"

Louis nodded and followed Harry to the guest bathroom on the first floor , Harry turned the tap on and placed his hands under the running water , gesturing for Louis to join him . Louis blushed and walked closer , washing his hands in the water as Harry was washing his own hands with soap . 

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