Ch. 16

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"My friends are coming over for the weekend ." Harry said , Louis looked up at him from his laying position with his head on Harry's lap . Harry smiled down at him , "I'd like you to meet them , if you're comfortable with it of course ."

Louis bit his lower lip ; he knew Harry's friends from pictures , videos and his stories about them , but he hadn't met them yet . He trusted Harry , of course he did , but he wasn't sure how he would react to being around his friends .

Harry looked down at him while munching on the inside of his cheek . He wanted to slowly bring Louis out of his shell , out of his comfort zone . Meeting new people was still a hard task for him and Harry knew it , but he also knew his friends were good people .

Harry took Louis' hand , "Hey , look at me ."

Louis looked up at him with rosy cheeks , his lower lip between his teeth .

"You'll be fine bubba , I'll be there with you the whole time . My friends are nice and funny , we're pretty much the same ."

A smile tugged on his Louis' lips , Harry poked his cheek , "They're coming over on Friday and leaving Saturday afternoon , and I really want you to meet them . They want to meet you too , you know , but knowing them they'll tell you embarrassing stuff about me ."

Louis chuckled , Harry leaned down and kissed his forehead , "Will you come over Friday night to hang out with us ? You don't have to drink if you don't want to ."

Harry grinned when Louis nodded , he cheered and leaned down to press kisses all over his face , making him laugh .


Friday night , around nine p.m , Harry came to Louis' place . Louis was still in his room getting ready , so Geoff opened the door for him and told him to go upstairs . He knocked on the door , seconds later the door opened revealing Louis with a nervous smile on his lips .

"Hi Love ." Harry smiled and walked in , "You ready ?"

Louis nodded and went to his dresser , spraying his perfume on and turning to the mirror to fix his jeans and shirt . Harry smiled at him , "You look good ."

Louis blushed and smiled at him through the mirror , turned to grab his phone from the charger and put it in his pocket before turning to Harry .

Harry put his hands on his waist and brought him closer , kissing his lips softly , "I'm really happy you're coming , it means a lot ." He kissed his forehead , "And I'm sorry in advance for my friends being embarrassing ."

Louis laughed a bit , Harry hugged him before taking his hand , "Let's go ."

They walked up Harry's pathway ; his friends were already at his house from a few hours ago . Louis' heart was pounding inside his chest , he tugged at Harry's hand a bit to stop them from walking .

Harry turned to face him , he gave him a soft smile and kissed his cheek , arms wrapping around him , "You're okay bubbie , I'm here , you're okay ." He cooed , Louis took a few deep breaths before nodding .

Harry pulled back a bit and cupped Louis' face , "You're my brave little bubbie ." He kissed his lips before taking his hand and going up to the door . He opened the door , the house was loud with talks , laughs and music in the background .

Louis took one more deep breath before they walked into the living room , his heart racing . There were sitting Harry's friends , the coffee table was filled with drinks and snacks .

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