Ch. 33

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"Are you excited ?" Liam asked , watching Louis packing his suitcase . Louis smiled softly and nodded , biting his lower lip as he pulled out of his closet more clothes .

Liam shifted in his laying spot on Louis' bed , now leaned back against the headboard , "But a good kind of excited , right ?"

Again , Louis nodded , then grabbed his phone and typed in , showing it to Liam .

yeah, but at the same time im a bit scared. first time out of the uk and all

Liam nodded , "Yeah , it can be pretty scary . But you have Harry with you ." He smiled , then pouted , "God I'm really jealous of you . Paris on Valentine's , this is picture perfect ."

Louis chuckled and started folding his clothes properly , fitting them into outfits one by one .

"Do you need me to help you with anything ?" Liam asked , Louis gave him a smile but shook his head , grabbing his phone to type in .

i have pretty much everything i need, ill be fine 

"Alright ." Liam nodded , "When's your train tomorrow ?"

Louis handed Liam his phone , showing him the text of details Harry sent him . Liam took the phone , "So your train leaves at eleven , and it's about two hours away from here . Oh and you have security and stuff to go through , and boarding , so you need to be there like an hour and a half earlier . So uhh ... that means we're leaving at like seven in the morning . Then from London to Paris it takes like two and a half hours , so you'll be at your hotel around three in the afternoon if you include the time from when you get off the train and get a taxi . That's a decent hour , hopefully the weather is nice and not too cold ." He handed Louis his phone back .

Louis took his phone and typed in his notes , handing it to Liam .

harry and i checked the weather this morning and it said tomorrow the 13th is cloudy, the 14th is sunny but still chilly, and the 15th is rainy 

Liam nodded , "Did he tell you where you're going in Paris ? Like specific places ? Or is he being a bum and keeping it a surprise ?"

Louis laughed and typed in his phone .

he only said the Eiffel Tower on the 14th and an Aquarium on the 15th , the rest i think we'll just make up on the spot

"I'm so happy for you ." Liam smiled , "I'm proud of you , how far you've come . You should be proud of yourself ."


Louis woke up early in the morning , and he couldn't help the smile immediately spreading on his lips . He was laying in bed quietly for barely a minute before the door opened , Liam walked in and started jumping on his bed , "Time to get uuup !"

Louis groaned , Liam grabbed one of the pillows and smacked him lightly a few times , "Get up , get up , get up , get up ." He put the pillow down , "Dad and I are making breakfast , come downstairs , Harry is joining us soon ." Liam said before leaving the room .

Louis sighed and tucked himself tighter under the covers , closing his eyes and relaxing . About ten minutes later the door opened again , Louis groaned and grabbed a pillow , throwing it at the door .

"Woah , hey , what's that for ?"

Louis looked up and laughed when he saw Harry , Harry chuckled and put the pillow down on the bed , toeing his shoes off , "Why were you trying to kill me ?"

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