Ch. 42

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This one is extra long , because I love you .

Enjoy x


"Lou , Harry is here , are you all packed up ?" Liam walked into Louis' room , Louis looked up at him as he finished zipping his small suitcase , "Yeah , ready ."

"Good ." Liam took his suitcase for him , helping him carry it down the stairs .

The two couples , Louis and Harry along with Zayn and Liam , were on their way to a short getaway at the lake cabin for the weekend .

Harry was talking to Geoff as the two brothers walked over to them , he took Louis' suitcase from Liam and held his arm open for Louis , "Hi love ."

Louis smiled and pressed himself to Harry's side , stretching up on his tip-toes to peck his cheek . "Hey ."

"Harry , did you text me the address ? I need to go pick up Zayn ." Liam asked as he grabbed his car keys , Harry nodded , "Yeah , we'll meet you there . Might take us a bit , we need to make a stop to buy some groceries ."

"Alright . See you there ." Liam smiled and walked out of the house .

Geoff looked over at Louis and smiled , "You two are getting older too quickly for my liking ."

Louis smiled back and walked over to hug him , "We'll be okay ."

"I know you will ." Geoff rubbed his back , Louis pulled away from the hug , "Love you ."

"Love you more ." Geoff smiled and squeezed his shoulders , "Go , have fun on your weekend , text me whenever ."

Louis nodded and moved back to Harry's side , Geoff put his hand on Harry's shoulder , "Keep him safe ."

"Always ." Harry assured him , Geoff patted his shoulder and nodded , "Good . Now go , I won't hold you back anymore ." He took a step back , watching the two walking out of the house .


"You want to come with me or stay in the car with the pups ?" Harry asked , Louis looked back to the two dogs , "I'll - I'll take the pups for a pee break over there ." Louis nodded towards the open field next to the store , Harry nodded and handed him the car keys , "Alright . Please be careful , keep your phone in your front pocket . I'll try not to take too long ." 

Louis nodded and grabbed the leashes , he got out of the passenger's seat and opened the backseat door , clasping the leashes and taking the dogs out , while Harry went to buy the groceries the would need .

"Go on , pups ." Louis said softly as he reached the field , looking away when the two dogs did their business . He let the two walk him around a bit , before he took them back to the car and put them in the backseat . He took their leashes off and closed the car door , staying outside just for a bit longer to stretch his legs , before getting back into the car and locking the doors until Harry would return .

Mojo leaned his head to the front , Louis turned to look at him and smiled , "Hi there ." He scratched behind his ear , giggling when Mojo licked his cheek . He leaned away and wiped it off , looking back down at his phone .

He jumped startled when there was a knock on his window , sighing out when he saw it was just Harry . He unlocked the car , Harry opened the passenger's door , "Got our stuff ." He put the two paper bags at Louis' feet , Louis nodded and closed the door as Harry went to the driver's side .

Open Up To Me - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now