Ch. 7

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Enjoy x


Harry walked up the pathway to Louis' house in the evening , reaching the front door and knocking on it . Seconds later Geoff opened the door and smiled at him , "Hey Harry , come in ."

"Hi ." Harry smiled and walked in , "Is Louis here ?"

"Yeah , he's in the living room with Liam ." Geoff pointed his thumb backwards , Harry nodded , "May I ?" He gestured to the living room , Geoff nodded and motioned him to go .

Harry thanked him and walked to the living room , a gentle smile on his lips at the sight of Louis , wearing his hoodie , laying on the couch with his head on Liam's lap covered in a soft blanket , while they were both watching something on the TV .

"Hey , am I interrupting ?" Harry asked and stepped in , the two brothers turned their heads towards him . Louis immediately blushed but smiled nontheless , Liam smiled aswell , "Hey mate , come on in . You need Louis ?"

"Yeah , I can steal him for a bit , right ?" Harry asked and looked over to Louis , who sat up and crossed his legs , the blanket still draped over him .

"Yeah , sure . I'll be back later ." Liam said and got up from his seat , patting Harry's shoulder on the way out .

Harry gave Louis a smile and walked closer , sitting next to him , "Hey , you doing okay ?"

Louis nodded with a small smile on his lips , looking down at his lap then back up at Harry .

"I uh , came to ask you something ." Harry said and turned to face Louis , his leg bent on the couch . "I'm going away for the weekend , and I was wondering if you could watch over Mojo and Fuji for me ."

Louis pouted at the thought of Harry not being there for the whole weekend , but nodded at his request .

Harry smiled widely , "Thank you , it means a lot . I was hoping you would say yes , Mojo and Fuji love you ."

Louis smiled at his words , playing with his fingers shyly . Harry hesitated for a few seconds before reaching over , grasping one of Louis' hands in his own , holding it gently . Louis felt himself blushing at the contact .

"You look cute in my hoodie ." Harry said in a soft voice , his thumb rubbing against Louis' palm as he brought his other hand to engulf Louis' tiny one completely . Louis' blush deepened , he looked off to the side as he couldn't control his blush and wide smile .

"Thank you again for agreeing to watch over my pups , I'll go home now . Have a good night ." He let go of his hand , Louis got up after him to walk him to the door .

Louis opened the door and took a step out to the porch with Harry , Harry smiled at him and turned to go , though Louis wrapped his small hand around his large bicep to stop him .

Harry turned to face him , a grin spreading on his lips when Louis wrapped his arms around his middle in a hug , his face pressing just below his collarbone . He wrapped his arms around him and leaned his chin ontop of his head ; the feeling of hugging the smaller boy was amazing , he couldn't wait to properly cuddle him .

Louis didn't want to pull out of the hug ; he found that hugging Harry was comforting and felt nice , and he was warm and smelled so good and - he loved it . He hadn't hugged anybody except for Liam and Geoff in such a long time , being in Harry's arms , pressed against his chest , felt so good and he wanted to stay there forever .

Sadly for both of them they broke the hug , Harry smiled at Louis , "Have a good night , Lou ."

Louis nodded at him with a shy smile , his cheeks burning up with blush , watching Harry for a few seconds as he walked down the pathway before getting back into the house . He walked back into the living room , where Liam was sitting .

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