Ch. 9

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Harry held the flowers behind his back with his left hand , his right hand knocking on the door to Louis' house . The door opened and there stood Liam , who smiled and let him in , "Hey , good thing you're here , Louis is a nervous wreck ."

Harry smiled softly , "Where is he ?"

"In the living room ." Liam nodded towards the living room , Harry nodded and took a deep breath , walking into the living room . He smiled softly at the sight of Louis pacing the room back and forth .

"Hi Lou ."

Louis stopped with his back to Harry , his heart racing in his chest . He was dressed casual , as Harry told him to dress very casual , he slowly turned to face Harry , lip between his teeth .

Harry stepped forward and pecked his cheek , "You look lovely ."

Louis blushed , Harry brought the flowers from behind his back , "These are for you . Almost as beautiful as you are ."

Louis felt lightheaded as he took the flowers carefully , he brought them to his nose and smiled at the sweet smell , giving Harry a shy smile . He looked around the room for a vase , he found an empty one and placed the flowers in . He didn't want to keep Harry waiting so he went to the kitchen with Harry following , Liam was sitting there on his phone and smiled when Louis walked in .

Louis took a notepad and quickly wrote down , could you put water in the vase with the flowers Harry brought ?

"Sure . Go have fun ." Liam nodded , Louis signed thank you and blushed when Liam kissed his forehead before turning to Harry , "Take care of my baby brother ."

"Always ." Harry smiled and held his hand out for Louis to take , Louis took his hand and let him lead him out of the house .

They crossed the street to Harry's car and got in , Harry started the car and pulled out of the driveway . Louis pulled his phone out and typed in a note . When Harry stopped at a red light he showed him , where are we going ?

"Surprise ." Harry smiled , Louis pouted a little . Harry chuckled , "You'll like it , I know you will ."

Soon enough they reached their destination , Louis furrowed his eyebrows when they parked in front of the bakery . Harry turned the car off and smiled at Louis , "We're here ."

They got out of the car , Harry took Louis' hand with one hand , his other holding the keys to the store . He opened the front door and walked in with Louis , "Wait here , I'll turn the lights on ."

Louis waited by the entrace as Harry went to turn the silent alarm off and the lights on . A minute later Harry was back , he held the desk's barrier up , "Come here ."

Louis walked over and got behind the desk with Harry , Harry helped him out of his jacket , "I'll put our jackets in the office ." He said and quickly disappeared into the office before coming back .

"Alright , now we're getting started ." Harry smiled and took Louis' hand , leading him to the back of the bakery . Louis was still confused and Harry could tell , so he brought him closer and placed his arm around his waist . "I know how much you love cupcakes , so I thought we could bake you cupcakes . It'll be fun ."

Louis smiled and nodded , he did love cupcakes , but he was the worst when it came to cooking and baking ; he didn't know anything about it . Even an omlette was a hard task for him .

Harry smiled back and pecked his cheek before fetching them both aprons . He handed Louis one and helped him tie the string around his waist , he quickly tied his own string and they went to wash their hands .

Open Up To Me - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now