Ch. 40

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Louis smiled when he saw Liam waiting for him outside the school , speed walking towards him and crashing into him in a hug . Liam smiled widely and held Louis close to him , "Hi Lou ."

"Hi ." Louis clutched Liam's jacket in his hands , Liam rocked them side to side , "Haven't seen you in five days , was everything alright ?"

Louis nodded and pulled back from the hug , Liam squeezed his shoulder softly , "Let's go , I'm quite hungry ."

The two got into Liam's car , Liam pulled out of the parking spot , "Is school going on okay ?"

"Yeah . A bit stressful ." Louis nodded , "But it's alright . Is your job going on okay ?"

"Oh yeah . I'm loving it ." Liam smiled , "It's a lot of work , I wouldn't lie , but very satisfying ."

Louis smiled softly , "And how are you and Zayn ?"

Liam smiled wider and let out a chuckle , "We're really good . I talked to him the other day , and we want to go on a double date with you and Harry . We need to talk all four of us and see when all of us are free ."

"Sounds great ." Louis nodded , Liam glanced at him from the corner of his eye , "How's Harry ?"

Louis blushed softly at the look he gave him . "He's good , we're good . He works a lot , but It's okay . We still see each other when we can . I also have tests and finals to study for ."

"Have you started researching dog training schools ?" 

Louis nodded , "Yeah . Dad helped me . I found two places , and uh - luckily the better one is only an hour and a half away . The other one is four hours away . So I applied for the closer one , waiting for the results ."

"I'm really happy for you ." Liam smiled and patted his knee , "You're going to do something you love , coming out of your shell more each day . I'm proud of you ."


"And I just stood there , completely drenched to my underwear , and the fire wasn't even close to be put out ." Liam chuckled through his story , about the time he didn't connect the hose properly and got himself drenched in water .

Louis laughed , "Y-you've always been an idiot ."

"Yeah , well then , let's talk about the time you burned an omlette and the entire house was filled with smoke ." Liam nudged his foot from under the table .

Louis pouted , "I - I was fourteen !"

"It was still funny ." Liam laughed and took another bite of his burger , Louis rolled his eyes and kept munching on his fries .

"I knew I saw you two ."

The two brothers turned when they heard a guy talking , Louis smiled when he saw it was Harry . He scooted over in the booth , Harry slid in next to him and kissed his cheek , "Hi bub ."

"Hi ." Louis smiled , "What are you doing here ?"

"I'm running errands , and I was across the street at this shop . Saw you two through the window , so I stopped by to say hello ." Harry said with a smile , Louis held a fry up in front of his mouth and smiled when Harry took it with his teeth .

"Good thing you're here . I was talking to Lou about a double date earlier , so just let us know when you're free so we can schedule something ." Liam said and smiled at the two , Harry nodded , "Sure , sounds good . Might have to be a weekend though , like Saturday afternoon or Sunday . During the week I'm pretty busy ."

Open Up To Me - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now