Ch. 26

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It was a few days after Jay's anniversary , Liam was picking Louis up from school .

"So uh , I wanted to ask you something ." Liam said . "We'll go to my place and cook lunch , and I'll tell you ."

Louis nodded ; for the rest of the ride to Liam's place he tried thinking about what he wanted to ask . The first thing that he came up with was his birthday .

Liam parked his car in his driveway and he and Louis exited , quickly getting into the house . They shook their coats off , Liam brought Louis to the kitchen , "I was thinking we can make grilled chicken and some macaroni and cheese ."

Louis nodded and sat on the bar stool , Liam pulled the ingredients from the cabinets and fridge as he started cooking .

"So . About what I wanted to talk to you about ." Liam said , sitting on the stool next to Louis as he kept his eyes on the macaroni . Louis turned a little in his seat to face him .

"It's about Harry ." Liam said , watching Louis' shoulders tense , before they dropped . He typed in his phone quickly and turned it to Liam , what is there to talk about ?

"I think you know . He told me about the note , last week when he was over ." Liam said , "Now . It's none of my business , but what is my business is your happiness . And part of you being happy is Harry , we both know that ."

Louis looked away , he started typing in his phone but Liam stopped him . "No listen . Harry cares about you a lot , it's clear as daylight . He texts me every day asking about you , he wants to come over but I know you'll push him away . So what's going to happen is ; I invited Harry over in a few days , and I'm going to tell him about your birthday ."

And as Liam suspected , Louis' eyes widened and he shook his head frantically . He looked at him with sad eyes , as if telling him not to do this , but Liam didn't falter . "Louis , we both know it's time for him to know ."

Louis typed in his phone with shaking hands , turning it to Liam . no , he will think im a nobody loser like everyone else does , pls dont . Liam shook his head , "You know he wouldn't ." He watched sadly as Louis kept shaking his head , until he reached out and grabbed the sides of his head , "Stop . Look at me ."

Louis looked at Liam with tears in his eyes , Liam brought him into a hug , "I know you don't like your birthday , but come on Lou , it's your eighteenth birthday in less than a week . Also Harry deserves to know , he's been so worried about you , and I'm not talking about these past two and a half weeks , I'm talking since he first met you . He worries about you , and he cares about you , and you deserved to be cared about and looked after ."

Louis pressed his face to his shoulder , Liam squeezed him closer , "You'll be perfectly okay . You'll see , Harry is not going anywhere , he will be there for you ."


A few days later , Louis was curled up on the couch under a soft blanket , Liam rubbed his shoulder , "It'll be okay . I promise ."

Louis sighed and turned on his side away from Liam , making himself smaller against the back of the couch . Liam rubbed his back through the blanket , when there was a knock on the door . Liam squeezed his shoulder before getting up to open the door .

He opened the door and smiled at Harry , Harry smiled back , "Hi ."

"Hi , come in ." Liam moved from the door to let Harry in , he closed the door behind him , "Louis is in the living room . Want some tea ?"

Open Up To Me - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now