Ch. 36

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Enjoy x


"Did you finish packing ?" Harry asked as he zipped his suitcase closed , Louis went into the bathroom , "Just a minute ."

Harry smiled and took his time putting his shoes on and looking around the room one more time to make sure they wouldn't forget anything .

Louis packed his toiletries and put it inside his suitcase , having a bit of difficulty with zipping it closed . Harry walked over and leaned down on his suitcase , Louis smiled and zipped it , "Thanks ."

Harry smiled back and took Louis' suitcase off the bed , "We'll leave the suitcases at the reception and go out for breakfast , then we need to get a taxi to the train station ."

Louis nodded and put his shoes on , he made sure he had everything with him before looking back at the room , pouting a bit ; he was having such an amazing time in Paris , he didn't want it to end .

Harry put his arm around his waist and kissed his cheek a few times , "We'll go on more trips , I promise ." Louis smiled up at him and nodded , the two grabbed all of their things and walked out of the room .


"Waffles today ?" Harry looked down at the menu , Louis smiled and nodded , "With milkshakes ?"

"Oh , definitely . Was thinking of trying this banana and strawberry milkshake . Which one do you want ?" Harry put his menu down when Louis pointed at his milkshake , "The oreo milkshake ."

Harry nodded , "It looks really good . Do you want chocolate or maple syrup on your waffle ?"

Louis bit his lower lip , "Maple ."

Harry grabbed his hand across the table , "Alright bub ." He smiled , and just as he went to talk again the waitress came over to collect their orders . Harry gave her their orders and thanked her before she left , then turned back to Louis .

"I just wanted to say that it means so much to me that you trust me , and talk to me . I take none of it for granted . I'm sad too that our trip is about to end , but I had the best time I could ever have ."

Louis smiled and squeezed Harry's hand , "Thank you for being there . It means more than you think ."

Harry kissed the back of his hand , before standing up and joining Louis on the same side of the booth . He lifted his head up and let Louis cuddle into his side , he fit his arms around his waist and kissed his forehead , "Are Liam and Geoff picking us up ?"

Louis shook his head , "Liam is at the firestation , and dad is working late ." He pouted a bit , Harry poked his cheek gently , "Don't worry about it , we'll get a taxi , go see your dad , and then we'll go see Liam too if you're not too tired ."

"Yes please ." Louis grinned , Harry pecked his lips quickly before turning to thank the waitress who brought them their milkshakes .


After breakfast they went back to the hotel to get their suitcases , and got into a taxi to the train station . Louis was already growing sleepy , Harry smiled and rubbed his thumb on the back of his hand , "We'll be on the train soon , then you'll have enough time to nap ."

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