Character Answers #2

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Q : What do you love most about Harry ?

"I - I love his kisses ." *Blushes*

Q : Who is more cuddly Mojo or Fuji ?

"Both of them . Sometimes Mojo is more cuddly ."

Q : Are you going to uni ?

"Well , it's - it's not exactly uni . It's a course , not a degree , so uh - I'm - I'm going to study to be a therapy dog trainer ."

Q : Are you somewhat still mute ?
Q : Do you still feel shy to talk to strangers , for example , while ordering food or something like that ?

*Blushes* "I don't do any of these . I don't order , or talk to people I don't know . I don't talk at school , at all . Only with my family , with Harry , and a little bit when I'm at the bakery ."

Q : Is it weird to talk again and how does it feel ?

"It is , it's not as weird as it was in the beginning , but I'm getting used to it again . I can't raise my voice , though , or talk a lot , it makes my throat hurt ."

Q : Are you more feminine than masculine ?

"F-Feminine , yeah , I guess . I - I really like skinny jeans , and soft materials ."

Q : What's your favorite movie ?

*Smiles* "I love The Avengers , all of the movies ."

Q : What's your fondest memory with Harry ?

*Grins shyly* "Paris . Definitely Paris ." *Blushes*

Q : Do you like it when Harry calls you Bubbie ?

*Blushes deeply* "I really like it . Love it ."

Q : Do you want to have children with Harry ?

"It's - it's too early , we're only dating a year ."

Q : What really makes you wanna talk again ? And how did it feel when you saw Harry's reaction the first time he heard you speak ?
Q : What did you feel when you first talked to Harry ?

"I'm talking because - because I want to move on , from my past . Because I want to im-improve myself , as a p-person ." *Blushes softly* "When I told H-Harry I love him , my heart was racing . So fast . And when he smiled and kissed me I cried , I was r-really happy ."

*Harry cups his cheek* "Bub , your voice is already scratchy , try not to talk much , okay ?"

*Louis nods*

Q : Favorite breed of dogs ? Any animal that you want but you can't have ?

*Smiles* "Dalmatians . I w-wish I had a tiger cub ."

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