Ch. 44

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"Lou , could you check the bathroom to make sure we packed everything ?" Harry poked his head into the room , Louis nodded , "Okay ." He finished packing his small suitcase , smiling when Fuji walked into the room . 

He went to the bathroom and double-checked the drawers , shower and cabinet to make sure they wouldn't forget anything . He walked out of the bathroom and smiled when he saw Fuji sitting on the bed next to his suitcase , he pet the dog before zipping his suitcase closed . Just as he took the suitcase off the bed , Harry walked into the room .

"We didn't forget anything in the bathroom , right ?" Harry asked as he took Louis' suitcase for him , Louis shook his head , "No , I checked ."

"Alright , now come downstairs to eat something ." Harry carried the suitcase , "Fuji , pup , come on , off the bed ." Harry called , Fuji hurried off the bed and followed the couple down the stairs . Harry put Louis' suitcase by the door with the other three , before joining Liam , Zayn and Louis at the table .

Louis sipped on the orange juice , Harry kissed his temple , "Is your head feeling better ?" He asked , Louis nodded , "Much better ."

Harry smiled , biting his lower lip , "You were such a cute tipsy last night ."

"Felt weird , to be honest ." Louis blushed light pink , "Like , light-headed . But it was okay ."

Harry kissed his cheek , "Eat , bub , you need food ." He filled both their plates .


"In the car , pups ." Harry opened the backseat door , letting the two dogs in and closing the door behind them . Louis locked the cabin door and walked to where Harry was standing , with Zayn and Liam .

"This weekend was great , we should do it again ." Liam held his arm open for Louis , who wrapped his arms around his middle sideways .

"Yeah , definitely ." Harry nodded , "Are we still having dinner with Geoff ? We haven't talked about it ."

"Oh , yes . I texted him when I woke up , told him we slept in . We'll have dinner at my place ." Liam nodded , his hand rubbing Louis' shoulder .

"What should I cook ?" Harry asked , Liam shook his head , "Don't worry about it , I -"

"No , come on , I should make something too ." 

"Dessert ?" Louis asked , Harry smiled at him , "Want to help me make brownies ?"

Louis smiled wider and nodded , Liam gave Louis' small shoulders a soft squeeze , "Alright , brownies sound good . We'll see you tonight , seven at my place ."

Louis gave Liam a hug , then went to hug Zayn , before going with Harry to his car . They put their seatbelts on , Harry pulled out of the parking spot , resting his hand on Louis' thigh when they reached the main road . "I had a lot of fun this weekend ."

"Me too ." Louis nodded , letting his hand rest on Harry's hand in his lap . Harry smiled , "Now , about our anniversary ."

Louis blushed softly , "What were you thinking about ?"

Harry bit his lower lip , "I uh - I want us to plan our anniversary together . Do stuff we both want and love ."

"Okay ." Louis smiled . "Can I - can I come over after school tomorrow ?"

"You can always come over , you know that ." Harry gave his thigh a gentle squeeze . "I can't believe it's been a year ."

"I know ." Louis locked his fingers with Harry's , "It's been a good year ."

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