Ch. 39

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Harry knocked softly on the door to Louis' room , he heard footsteps from inside and then the door opened . Louis smiled , "Hi ."

"Hi bub ." Harry leaned in and kissed him , "You haven't responded to my texts ." He followed Louis into the room , closing the door behind him and kicking his shoes off .

"I'm studying for my test tomorrow ." Louis said and sat back down at his desk , Harry walked over and leaned over Louis' shoulder to look at the papers and notebook . "What subject ?"

"History ." Louis picked his pen up from the notebook , flipping over a page .

Harry groaned , "One of the worst subjects taught in school . I get it , it's important to know some stuff , but it's such a boring subject ." He flopped down on Louis' bed on his back .

Louis chuckled and turned back to his notes , one leg bent on the chair as he kept reading and scribbling down . Harry turned on his side and leaned on his elbow , "How long have you been studying for ?"

Louis lifted his head up and reached for his phone , which was silenced , to see what time it was . "Um , about - a bit over two hours ." He put his phone down , Harry gaped playfully , "Two hours ?? That's it , you need a break ." He reached over and grabbed Louis' chair , dragging him away from the table .

Louis giggled and pulled himself back to the table , "I don't have much left , I promise ." He turned to the desk , Harry pouted , "But - but - but I barely saw you these past three days , please can we cuddle for a bit ?"

He stood up from the bed and hugged Louis' waist and shoulders from behind , leaning in to kiss his neck a few times . Louis shied away , "Stop . Harry ." He laughed quietly , Harry pressed a kiss to his cheek , "How long will it take you to study ?"

"I'll be done in less than an hour . I promise ." Louis assured , Harry pouted , "Okay fine . But after that you're coming over to my place , I'll cook dinner ."

"Okay ." Louis smiled , Harry turned his head and kissed him softly , "Will you stay the night ?"

"Mm , maybe ." Louis teased , though he knew he would give in ; he hadn't seen Harry properly in three days , and was in a mood for a good cuddle after studying for so long .


Louis opened the door to Harry's house , stepping inside quietly ; he was freshly out of shower , dressed in comfy clothes , stomach growling in hunger at the smell of lasagna cooking in the oven .

He tip-toed to the kitchen , and to his luck Harry had his back towards him and the two dogs weren't around . He snuck up behind Harry and grabbed his sides , leaning in to say 'Boo !' right in his ear .

Harry jumped in surprise and squeaked , turning around quickly to see Louis laughing . Even though Louis looked oh so cute while he laughed , hands covering his mouth and eyes crinkling - and not to mention the adorable giggles - Harry pretended to glare at him .

"Fucking hell , you gave me a heart attack ." Harry put his hand over his racing heart , shaking his head , "Will you stop laughing , I thought I was about to get kidnapped ." That only fueled Louis' laughter .

"Y-your squeal ." Louis leaned his elbows on the counter , Harry crossed his arms , "If you don't stop laughing I'll feed you to Mojo and Fuji ."

Louis pursed his lips to try and stop laughing , but one look at Harry's face made him giggle again .

Open Up To Me - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now