Ch. 3

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"I'm really sorry Lou , Dad and I got caught up in work today and we can't pick you up from school . Hope you're okay with taking the bus back home . x - Lima Bean"

"Yeah , it's okay . I'll let you know when I get home . x - Lou Boo"

Louis sighed and shut his phone , taking out his money as he walked to the bus stop . Minutes later his bus arrived , he walked in and paid the driver , picking a seat closest to the front door . Thirty five minutes later he reached his stop , getting off the bus and walking the rest of his way home .

He reached his house and walked up the pathway while his hands searched for the house keys in his bag . His heart sped up a little bit when he couldn't find it , so he looked for the spare key Goeff always kept in a hole in the wall . His heart skipped a beat when the key wasn't there . He didn't want to worry his brother and father about it , they were already having their problems with their workplaces , so he just sat on the bench on the porch , hugging his hoodie around himself .

Fifteen minutes later he heard a car , he looked up in hopes it would be Liam or Geoff , but it was Harry , who parked his car in his driveway . He bit his lower lip and looked away , though when he heard the car door open , he looked back to him .

Harry shut his car door and circled it to go up to his door , stopping when he noticed Louis , Louis quickly lowered his gaze as his cheeks turned red .

Harry smiled to himself , though the smile faltered when he noticed the house was completely dark , and Louis was sitting outside for no reason .

He crossed the road and walked up the pathway towards Louis . "Hey , what are you doing sitting outside ?"

Louis bit his lower lip and looked around , before taking his phone out and opening his Notes , typing in a quick answer . 

I don't have a key

"Oh , that's not nice ." Harry pouted a little . "Want to come stay at my place until your dad or brother come back home ?"

Louis' eyes widened a little , before he shook his head softly , as if saying it's okay .

"I insist , it's quite chilly outside ." Harry said and held his hand out , "Come on , I'll make you something warm to drink ."

Louis looked at his hand , then up to his face , he was smiling ever so gently but Louis was so nervous . Harry was making him nervous , because he was nice and attractive and caring and just - everything no one else was .

"Also , I can assure you Fuji and Mojo will absolutely enjoy having you over ." Harry said with a soft grin , his dimple becoming deeper . He knew this would win Louis over .

And as he expected , Louis got up from his seat , though didn't take his offered hand , which Harry knew wasn't easy for him so he was okay with it , at least he got him to agree to come to his place .

They crossed the road to Harry's house and walked up the pathway to the door , Harry put the key in the keyhole , and while unlocking the door they both could hear the two dogs racing to the door .

Harry opened the door and walked in , Mojo was quick to jump up on him . "Hey there you beast !" Harry caught him and pressed a kiss to his head , before turning his attention to Fuji who was barking in excitement for attention .

Harry let go of the two dogs and turned back to the door , seeing Louis shyly standing at the front . He smiled at him , "Come on in ."

Louis stepped inside and let Harry close the door behind him , he looked around a little before his attention was on Mojo and Fuji , who were nudging his legs and wagging their tails happily .

Open Up To Me - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now