Ch. 5

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Harry parked his car in the driveway , grabbing the bag from the bakery that rested in the passenger's seat before climbing out of the car . He crossed the road to Louis' place , knocking on the door softly .

He could hear shuffling from inside , and then the door opened . Geoff gave him a small smile , though Harry could tell he's disturbed by something . "Hey Harry ."

"Hi , uh .. I've got some sweets for you guys , from the bakery ." Harry gave him a smile and held up the bakery bag . Geoff smiled slightly wider , "Oh , thank you . Come on in ."

Harry walked in and followed him to the kitchen , what he didn't expect was to see Louis sitting by the kitchen table with an ice pack on his eye , Liam kneeling next to him and rubbing his back .

"Lou , talk to me . Please . You know you can tell me anything ." He heard Liam saying quietly , Louis shook his head and turned a little in his seat to face away from Liam . Liam kept rubbing his back and bit his lower lip , giving Harry a small smile , "Hi Harry ."

Louis froze at the mention of Harry , he slowly looked up to see Harry giving him a sad , concerned look as he handed Geoff the bakery bag .

"Hi Louis ." Harry said softly , noticing Louis' chest started to heave seconds after he talked to him . Soon enough Louis found himself scrambling up from his seat while throwing the ice pack on the table , running out of the kitchen and up to his room .

All three looked after him , Liam stood up on his feet , "I'll go talk to him ." He said and hurried up the stairs after his brother .

Harry turned to Geoff , who sighed sadly . "We got a call from school to come pick him up , found him with a bruise on his cheek under his eye . We were told some kids picked on him , and one punched him in the face ."

"Why ?"

"Because he's different . This is no reason to punch anyone , but kids in his school are just mean . We told him we want to transferr him to a different school but he insisted he doesn't want to ."

Harry ran his fingers through his hair . "Can I ask you a question ?"

"Go ahead ."

"Why - why is he mute ?"

Geoff stared ahead for a few seconds before turning his gaze to Harry . "Something happened when he was eleven , and it made him not want to talk ."

Harry nodded , if Geoff didn't want to say then he didn't have to , but this is exactly what Liam told him , and he just wanted to know more , he was curious . "What happened ?"

Geoff scratched his stubble a little , "I'm sorry but it's up to Louis to tell you ."

Harry nodded , "Yeah , I - I understand . I just - I'm curious . And worried ."

"We all are . All I can say is , that - that I'm grateful you're willing to be a part of Louis' life , it's a change he needed ."

It made Harry smile a little ."Do you mind if I go up to him , and try - try talking to him ?"

Geoff looked in the direction of the stairs , "You can try . I can't promise you he'll cooperate ."

Harry nodded , he grabbed the ice pack from the table and walked up the stairs , following Liam's voice that was in one of the rooms . The door was slightly open , he pushed it open a little bit more to reveal the two brothers sitting on the floor , Louis had his face in his hands with Liam's arms wrapped around him , rubbing his back and talking to him softly .

Open Up To Me - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now