Ch. 37

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Hi loves , sorry for the late update . These past few weeks were pretty bad , there was just a lot of bad news , if you would like to read a bit about it there's a note at the end of the chapter that will be deleted later on .

Enjoy x


"My two babies will be here later today ." Harry grinned down at his phone , turning it to Louis to show him the picture Gemma just sent him ; it was a picture of Mojo and Fuji in the backseat of her car , tongues out as if they were smiling at the camera .

It was Saturday noon , two days after Louis and Harry returned from their trip to Paris , and Gemma was on her way to bring the two dogs back .

Louis smiled down at the picture . "How long ?"

"Gem said she'd bring them back in the evening , around six ." Harry put his phone down , "We should take them on a walk to the park tomorrow , we haven't done that in a long time ."

Louis nodded , "Yeah . Picnic ?"

"Oh I love picnic dates ." Harry smiled and walked closer , wrapping his arms around Louis from behind as Louis was busy stirring their pasta for dinner . There was a knock on the door , Harry dropped a kiss to Louis' shoulder and went to open , smiling when he saw Liam , Zayn and Geoff .

"Hi , come in ." Harry smiled and opened the door wider , taking the tray from Geoff as he walked in , "Lou is in the kitchen ."

Liam smiled and walked further in , he put the two salad bowls on the counter and greeted Louis , kissing his temple , "You doing okay ?"

Louis nodded , "Yeah . You ?"

"I'm great ." Liam nodded , then turned to Harry , "Is there anything to help ?"

"Yes , actually , I haven't set the table yet so we can do that ." Harry said , Liam nodded and gave Louis' shoulder a soft squeeze before going to help him .

Zayn walked over to Louis and kissed his cheek , "Hi , little chef ."

Louis smiled with pink cheeks , "Hi ."

"So , a little bird told me you took way more pictures in Paris than you actually sent us ." He poked him in the side , Louis giggled , "I can show you . It's on my phone ."

"Let me see ." Zayn encouraged , Louis reached for his phone from the counter and opened up the file , handing it to Zayn . "I h-have them on my laptop too , need to finish going through them ."

Zayn pulled out the bar stool and sat down , smiling at Louis' phone as he swiped the pictures . "These are so good , Lou ."

"Thanks ." 

"Have you ever thought about selling them , or are you keeping them to yourself ?" Zayn asked , "That's what I do with some of my pictures , I print them out on canvas and sell them ."

Louis turned the stove off , smiling as Harry came to help him drain the pasta , so he turned to Zayn , "Do you really ?"

"Yeah ." Zayn nodded , "Not all of my pictures though . I just pick a few ones that I think will be good and put them online for sale , if not online then around the place I'm living ."

Louis bit his lower lip , "W-will you help me ?"

Zayn smiled widely , "Of course ."

They brought all of the food to the table , Harry fetched drinks from the fridge and joined them at the table . He smiled and kissed Louis' cheek when he saw Louis filling his plate , "Thanks bub ."

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