Ch. 31

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In hopes for better days . Stay safe xxxxx

Enjoy x


Louis hid Harry's birthday presents inside his closet just a second before Harry knocked on his bedroom door , he covered it up with a few jackets and closed the doors before going to open the door for him .

"Hi bub . Took you a second , is everything okay ?" Harry asked and stepped into the room , kissing Louis' lips . Louis nodded and closed the door behind him , Harry sat on his bed and looked around the room for a second , before turning his head to Louis who started tidying up his desk .

He furrowed his eyebrows , "You're up to something ." He smirked when Louis shook his head , but he could clearly see his cheeks turning slightly pink . He chuckled as Louis continued tidying his desk , biting his lower lip before reaching out and grabbing him by his waist , pulling him closer , "Tell me what you're up to ."

Louis smiled but shook his head , pushing Harry's hands off him . He'd been planning Harry's birthday for two weeks , and he was not going to spill it out two days before his birthday . 

"Aw , please ? I really want to know ." Harry pulled him back closer , Louis reached for his phone on his pillow and typed in his notes .

theres nothing going on

Harry shook his head , "Don't forget I know you , baby , I can tell you're hiding something ." He pulled him into his lap , Louis shook his head and typed in again .

i cant tell you yet

"I knew there was something ." Harry smirked , Louis sighed and shook his head , showing his note to Harry again as if to repeat himself . Harry scrunched his nose , "Please tell me . Please ?"

Louis smiled and poked his dimple , shaking his head . Harry pouted , "Why not ? I'll cry . If you don't tell me I'll cry ." He dropped his forehead on Louis' shoulder and fake-cried , Louis ran his fingers through his hair and couldn't help but laugh .

Harry lifted his head up and pouted , "Oh I'm so happy my pain is funny to you ." He stuck his tongue out at him , Louis pushed his hair back from his forehead and pressed a shy peck to his cheek , standing up from his lap .


On the day of Harry's birthday , Louis woke up extra early since he had to go to school and Harry had to go to the bakery . He slipped out of Harry's bed carefully , having slept over the night before , he got dressed and ready as quietly as he could before tip-toeing down the stairs to the kitchen . Mojo and Fuji followed him , so to keep them quiet he filled their food and water bowls .

He turned to the fridge and took out eggs and bacon , which was the only breakfast he knew how to make without burning or messing up . He put a pan on the stove (thankfully there was one on the drying mat near the sink so he didn't have to pull one out of the cabinet and risk making loud noises) , he put it on the stove and turned it on , letting it heat up as he put two bread pieces in the toaster .

It took him a bit over twenty minutes to be done with breakfast , he put it in two plates on the table , a plate of toast breads with strawberry jam , two glasses and a bottle of orange juice . He tip-toed back upstairs with a portable speaker , he made sure to connect it to his phone when he was in the kitchen so it wouldn't make noise when he's up with Harry .

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