Ch. 29

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On New Years Eve , Zayn was throwing a party at his place and he invited Louis and Harry . Now , before leaving the house , Louis had second thoughts about going . Not only that , he couldn't stop thinking about having his first New Years kiss with Harry later that night .

"It'll be fun ." Harry looked over to Louis from his place sitting on the bed , while Louis was fixing his clothes in the mirror . Louis sighed and turned to Harry , sitting next to him while typing in the notes on his phone .

im not a big fan of parties, or crowded places in general 

"I know bub , that's why I'll be there with you the whole time ." Harry put his arm around him , "I uh , I also don't plan on staying for the whole party , you know ."

Louis furrowed his eyebrows , Harry gave him a gentle smile and leaned in to peck his cheek , "Want to take you somewhere special before midnight ."

Louis' heart skipped a beat as he tried forcing himself not to blush , but failed and bit his lower lip , typing in his phone .

where are we going?

"I'll tell you later . Want to keep it a surprise for a bit longer ." Harry kissed his temple before standing up , "Now let's go ."


Louis clutched Harry's hand tightly as they walked into Zayn's house , the place was filled with people . Harry brought his arm to wrap around Louis' waist as he looked around , before giving Louis' hip a squeeze , "I found Liam and Zayn , let's go ."

He led them through the crowd , bringing Louis in front of him with both his hands on his waist . Zayn noticed them and smiled , tapping Liam's shoulder .

He brought Louis into a hug and pecked his temple , "I'm so happy you two are here ." He pulled back and gave Harry a hug aswell . Harry patted his back , "Yeah , took us a bit , made a wrong turn ."

Liam hugged Louis into his side , "You alright ?"

Louis nodded and gave him a smile , when one of the three guys who were standing with Liam and Zayn spoke up .

"Who's the little one , Liam ?" One asked , making Louis shrink closer to his brother .

Liam rubbed his arm , "This is my little brother Louis , and this is Harry his boyfriend ."

"Aw , he's taken ? Shame ." One chuckled , Liam gave the guy a tight smile , "Watch it , Connor ."

"Lou , let's go grab a drink ." Harry held his hand out for Louis , Liam let go of him and nudged him over to Harry . Louis took Harry's hand , Harry led him away from the group , "Who was that guy ?"

Louis shrugged his shoulders , before biting back a giggle . Harry grabbed a beer for himself and filled a cup of coke for Louis , before noticing that Louis was kind of smirking .

"What are you smiling about ?" Harry asked , and couldn't help but smile just from seeing Louis smiling . Louis pointed to him before pulling his phone out , typing in quickly in the notes .

you were jealous

Harry pouted his lips , before a smile took over . "Okay , yeah , maybe ."

Louis grinned , Harry put his arm around his waist , "I'm allowed to , okay ? I'm your boyfriend ." He led them back to Zayn and Liam , who were standing with the same three guys . Harry brought Louis to stand in front of him with his arms around his waist from behind , Louis put his free hand on Harry's hand that rested on his stomach .

Open Up To Me - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now