Ch. 13

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On Louis' last day of school Harry waited for him outside the school ; It's been a month since Harry asked Louis to be his boyfriend , and he wanted to have a mini celebration for both reasons .

He heard the bell going off , and students walked out of the building . He straightened up and tried looking for Louis , though the boy was shorter than the other students and made it difficult to find him .

Eventually Harry spotted him walking out of the building while looking down at his phone . He smiled and sneaked up between the students , when he reached him he playfully grabbed him around the waist and picked him up , shoving his face into his neck right where he knew it tickled him .

Louis gasped and his legs kicked a bit , he laughed as he tried pushing Harry away from his neck . Harry laughed along but put him back down , laughing even more when Louis smacked his shoulder with a pout .

"I'm sorry , love , you were just too easy ." He grinned and kissed his cheek , Louis pushed out of his hold and crossed his arms over his chest as he tried looking mad . If only he knew he failed miserably and actually looked like a kitten .

Harry thought he looked adorable .

Louis walked to Harry's car still pouting with his arms crossed , Harry followed him with a grin . He grabbed his waist and turned him around , picking him up off his feet once again . "I won't let you go until you give me a hello kiss ."

Louis blushed , he cupped Harry's cheeks and pecked his lips quickly . Harry whined and shook his head , "A proper kiss ."

Louis smiled and pressed his lips to Harry's softly , Harry hummed and slowly placed Louis down on his feet without breaking their kiss or their cuddle . Once they pulled back they were both smiling , Harry kissed the corner of Louis' lips , "Got plans for us for today ."

Louis raised his eyebrows , Harry opened the passenger's door for him , "We'll get to your house , you'll change and I'll tell you where we're going ."

Louis got into the car , Harry got into the driver's seat and pulled out of the parking lot . 

When Harry stopped at a red light Louis patted his arm , he turned to face him and saw him holding his phone up with the notes open .

please tell me what you planned ?

Harry smiled at his cuteness . "We'll go have lunch , then go bowling . Then we're going to get Mojo and Fuji , we'll take them to the park for a bit , then go back to your house for dinner with Liam and Geoff . Then us two will go back to my place , maybe watch a movie or play a board game ."

Louis grinned widely , biting his lips as he typed in the notes .

cant wait to get started 

Harry smiled when he read the note , he took Louis' hand and kissed the back of it , holding it for the rest of the drive .

Soon enough they reached their houses , Harry walked with him into the house , "I'll wait here , go change ."

Louis nodded and walked up the stairs with an excited smile .

Harry looked around the living room , seeing some picture frames on the walls . He smiled at the pictures of baby Louis , then pictures of him as a toddler . He couldn't get over how adorable he was , and still is .

He cooed at a picture of Louis sitting in the middle of a meadow with the biggest grin on his lips , he looked about five , maybe six years old .

Louis walked down the stairs dressed casually , he saw Harry looking at the pictures on the walls and immediately blushed . Harry turned to face him smiling widely , "Look how adorable you look here ."

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