Ch. 20

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Harry kept glancing at Louis as they packed their clothes and belongings into their bags , getting ready to leave the lake cabin . He noticed his expression looked sad on the verge of blank . Leaving the lake cabin couldn't be the reason he was so sad .

"Bub ." Harry said softly , Louis turned to face him with slightly pink cheeks . He was still not entirely used to Harry's pet names for him . Harry sat on the bed and patted the space next to him , "Come sit with me ."

Louis put the shirts down next to his bag and sat next to Harry , Harry wrapped his arm around his waist and pressed their sides together .

"What's up , love ? Why are you upset ?"

Louis felt his heart fluttering in his chest . It still surprised him that Harry could see through him and notice when he was upset when he tried hiding it . He bit his lower lip , not sure he wanted to tell him .

Harry rubbed his side gently , "I want to help , I don't like seeing you sad . And I know it's not because we're leaving the lake cabin , is it ?"

Louis shook his head , looking down at his lap . He sighed before pulling his phone out of his pocket and opening his notes , typing in while Harry watched .

just dont feel like going back to school . it sucks

Harry smiled softly and kissed his temple , "You'll be fine , just one more year and you're done ." He said , though it didn't do much cheering up . Harry took another look at Louis and pursed his lips . "It's not the only reason , is it ?"

Louis shook his head .

"Want to tell me what it is , then ?"

Louis stared ahead for a few seconds before typing in his notes again , slowly .

bullying , dealing with people 

Harry bit his lower lip , feeling his heart squeezing in his chest . He kissed his temple , then his cheek , "Don't worry about any of this , love . You're amazing , and you're everything , and I love you and I'll always be there for you ."

Louis rubbed his eyes when they got watery , Harry wrapped both his arms around his waist and embraced the smaller boy into his chest . He kissed his temple a few more times and rubbed his back before pulling back to look at him . "You're not on your own . I'm here , and I'll stay here by your side ."

Louis let his head rest on Harry's shoulder , face in his neck to hide his blush .


"Come on pups , in the car ." Harry opened the backseat door for Mojo and Fuji , who quickly jumped into the car . Harry closed their door and opened the passenger's door for Louis , who smiled shyly and got into the car .

Harry got in the driver's seat and handed the AUX chord to Louis , "We have about two and a half hours drive back , and we'll probably have lunch when we get there . So you're in charge of entertaining us with songs ."

Louis took the chord and plugged it into his phone as Harry pulled out of the driveway .

Mojo was laying on the seats calmly , while Fuji was being a bit restless , trying to get to sit with Louis in the front . Harry chuckled and slowed down the car , "Help him , Lou ?"

Louis smiled and carefully helped the dog to the front , sitting at his feet with his head on Louis' knees . Harry smiled at the two , Louis pet the large dog softly to help him relax . Harry reached over to pet Fuji quickly , "Spoiled little pup ."

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