Ch. 34

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Louis woke up to Harry moving around the bed , he groaned softly and tightened the covers around himself to stay warm .

Harry smiled , "Good morning , bubba ." He leaned in and kissed his cheek , "Happy Valentine's Day ." 

Louis opened his eyes and squinted at the bright sunlight in the room , he rubbed his eyes before stretching his arms above his head .

Harry kissed around his face softly , "First morning in Paris , how does it feel ?" Louis answered him with a smile spreading on his lips ; he slept really good he almost forgot where he was . Harry smiled at him and scooted closer to him to hover above him , "Your phone went off with a few texts a few minutes ago , think it's your groupchat with Liam and Geoff ." He kissed the corner of his mouth .

Louis put his hand on Harry's cheek and nodded , Harry smiled and pressed a soft kiss to his lips . "Also it's not too early or too late right now , it's a bit after eight a.m . We can chill in bed for a bit longer and then go out for breakfast ."

Louis nodded again and let Harry steal a few more kisses before gently pushing him away to reach for his phone from the night stand . He held the phone up above his face and opened his groupchat with Liam and Geoff , smiling when he saw they replied to the pictures he sent them before going to bed the night before .

Harry leaned on his elbow as he watched him with soft eyes and a smile on his lips ; he couldn't believe he was actually in Paris with Louis . He bit his lower lip before playfully leaning closer , "You have something , here ." He nodded towards his tummy , which was showing from where his shirt rode up a bit .

Louis looked down confused and pulled his shirt up a tiny bit more , Harry grinned and leaned in , blowing a raspberry . Louis let out a laugh and pushed Harry away , pulling his shirt down . Harry grinned and let his head rest on Louis' stomach , "Couldn't resist myself ."

Louis rolled his eyes though still smiled , bringing his hand to Harry's hair to run his fingers through and trace his scalp . Harry sighed and closed his eyes , turning his head a bit to bury in Louis' tummy . Louis smiled down at him and quietly took a picture , changing it to his lockscreen .

Harry breathed in Louis' scent and pressed a kiss to his clothed tummy , opening his eyes to smile at him , "How about we get up ? We have all day to explore ."

Louis smiled at him and nodded , waiting for him to lift his head up before sitting up and getting out of bed .


They sat at a small Cafe on the block across from their hotel , as they passed it the day before on their way to dinner and promised to go there for breakfast . Louis brought his camera with him and took pictures , making sure it was bluetooth connected to his phone .

Harry asked for menus in english , sitting right next to Louis so they could look at the menu together . They chose the couple's Valentine's pancake special , with two strawberry milkshakes and a fruit salad .

"My mouth is already watering ." Harry said as the waitress left with their order , Louis smiled and nodded , typing in his notes .

been craving pancakes for about two weeks now

"Have you ?" Harry put his arm around his waist , "Why didn't you tell me , I could've made you some ."

Louis smiled and poked his dimple before typing in his notes again .

i know but i wanted to save the craving for paris, have a proper pancakes breakfast w you

Harry bit his lower lip as he smiled , he kissed Louis' cheek lovingly , "You're adorable . You could've still told me , bubbie ." Louis squished his cheeks with one hand and booped their noses together , making Harry smile wider .

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