Ch. 46

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Harry pulled his shirt over his head and lied back down on his front as Louis walked into the bedroom with a hot water bottle in his hands , Louis gave him a soft smile , "Where does it hurt ?"

They started their morning with tea and cookies in bed , and Harry saying the pain in his back is quite hurting , so Louis went to get the hot water bottle ready .

"My spine , kind of under my shoulders . Like , the middle of my back ." Harry said , his head turned to the side on the mattress as he watched Louis straddling his lower back . Louis pressed two finges into his spine and moved up and down , until Harry told him where it hurt .

Louis put the bottle on Harry's spine to soothe the pain , letting it rest there as he rubbed his shoulders and nape with his thumbs . He took the bottle off so it wouldn't leave a red burn mark , and started with massaging the knot out of his back , using a bit of his body lotion .

Harry relaxed into the massage , it hurt but it was a good kind of pain , tolerable . He closed his eyes and let himself enjoy it , he lowered his hand to graze his fingers at Louis' knee affectionately , Louis smiled , "Is it better ?"

"So much better . You make everything better ." Harry's voice was muffled into the mattress , Louis blushed softly and finished massaging , placing the hot water bottle on Harry's back , moving his hands to rub up and down the sides of Harry's torso .

"Let's make breakfast ." Louis reached his hand up to push Harry's hair from his face , Harry smiled , "You hungry , bub ?"

Louis nodded , poking Harry's dimple , "Very ."

"Okay ." Harry lifted his head up , Louis moved off him and took the water bottle with him , hugging it to his torso . The cabin was nicely warm , so Harry stayed shirtless as he shuffled out of bed , following Louis to the kitchen .

Louis sat on the counter with the toaster next to him , as he placed two bread pieces inside . Harry worked on making eggs and bacon , songs playing from the speaker he brought . He made quirky dance moves to the beat of the song , making Louis laugh at him .

"What are you laughing at ?" Harry chuckled , grabbing Louis' waist , "Come here ." He pulled him carefully off the counter and into his arms , moving them side to side . Louis moved his arms to wrap around Harry's shoulders , grinning into his chest . He laughed when Harry dipped him backwards , letting his head tip back .

Harry mischievously looked at Louis' exposed neck , leaning down to blow a raspberry against his skin . He grinned when Louis let out a squeak that turned into a laugh , he brought them back up and kissed his cheek , "Cutie ."


Harry had a bag over his shoulders , filled with water bottles , snacks and fruit , Louis had his camera on his neck with a sling , a small map of the hiking site in his hands . 

"Let's go up this trail ." Harry motioned out the trail that went up the hill , "On the map it shows there's picnic tables . And you could take pictures ."

Louis nodded , He folded the map and the two started walking up the trail . Harry kept close to Louis , holding his hand as they walked . 

"The pups would've loved this hike ." Louis said with a smile , Harry smiled , "Oh , they would've had so much fun . But it's about us , we'll have enough times taking them on hikes ." He pulled Louis closer to his side , Louis grinned into his bicep .

Louis took pictures while going up the trail , some pictures of the view , some of Harry . Harry gave him a few good poses , before sticking his hip out to the side while making a dramatic pose , Louis giggled behind the camera and took several pictures .

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