Ch. 18

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It was nearing the end of summer break , and Harry wanted to have a little getaway with Louis before he had to go back to his last schoolyear .

It was Thursday afternoon , Harry walked up the pathway to Louis' house and knocked on the door . Liam opened it with a smile , "Hey mate , come in ."

Harry smiled , "Hey , Louis is home , right ?"

"Yeah , he's in his room ." Liam pointed up the stairs , Harry nodded and excused himself to go up . He walked upstairs and to Louis' room , knocking on his door . Seconds later the door opened , Louis stood there in his cute Pajamas , blushing when he saw Harry .

Harry smiled fondly , "Hi bubba ."

Louis opened the door wider and let Harry in , Harry walked in and closed the door behind him , pressing his lips to Louis' . Louis cupped his cheek softly , Harry pulled back , "I have a surprise ."

Louis raised his eyebrows , Harry took his hands and sat with him on the bed . 

"Alright , so in about two weeks you go back to school , which I know sucks but it's the last schoolyear so it'll be okay . The surprise is ; we're going for a little getaway at a lake cabin of my family's , leaving tomorrow morning ."

Louis' eyes widened in surprise , he smiled but Harry could tell he was nervous . "What makes you nervous , bub ?"

Louis looked away and grabbed his phone , opening his notes and typing quickly while Harry looked down at the note .

itll be my first time away from home , like properly away

Harry smiled and put his arm around his waist , "You'll be okay love , I'm with you the entire time . Do you trust me ?" He asked , grinning when Louis nodded yes . He kissed his cheek lovingly , "Also we're taking the pups with us , it'll be fun ."


Louis just finished zipping his medium sized suitcase when there was a knock on his bedroom door , he turned to the door and smiled when he saw Harry .

"Good morning . You ready to go ?" Harry asked and kissed him , Louis nodded and watched Harry grabbing the suitcase . They walked down the stairs , Liam and Geoff were waiting by the door with smiles on their faces , making Louis blush .

Harry put the suitcase down and gave Liam and Geoff a smile , "Thank you for trusting me with Louis ."

"You proved yourself to us , and Louis . We trust you ." Geoff said , Liam nodded , "We know you'll take good care of Louis ."

Louis blushed even deeper , Harry smiled widely and turned to him to grab his hand . "Alright bub , say goodbye while I put your suitcase in my car , alright ?" Louis nodded , Harry squeezed his hand and walked out of the house with his suitcase .

Louis turned to his step brother and father , Geoff embraced him , "You took everything you need ?" He asked , Louis nodded against his shoulder . Geoff kissed the side of his head and pulled back , letting Liam wrap his arms around Louis and pick him off the ground .

Louis smiled and tightened his arms around his shoulders , Liam squeezed him , "I'm so proud of you Lou , so so proud . Have fun , text us whenever . And send us pictures ."

Louis nodded and let Liam put him down , Liam kissed his temple and pulled back from their hug just in time for Harry to walk back into the house .

"You ready to go , love ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded and took Harry's offered hand . The two waved one last goodbye at Geoff and Liam before walking out of the house .

Open Up To Me - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now