Ch. 27

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On December twenty third , the day before Louis' birthday , Harry was excited . Two days ago he told Liam about his plan , and Liam was all in for it .

They went through the day as usual , and during the afternoon he made sure Louis wasn't home ; he asked Liam to take him out , to wherever he wanted as long as he wasn't home . Louis was oblivious ; it wasn't unusual for him and Liam to hang out . He wasn't really in the mood , as he'd been the whole month , but Liam managed to convince him to go out for a little while .

They were back home around eight at night , Liam parked the car outside his house , "Are you sleeping over at Harry's tonight ?"

Louis nodded and opened the door , Liam nodded aswell , "Alright , go get a bag ready , I'll come with you , Harry promised to give me his recipe book and told me to come today when I'm bringing you back home ."

Louis nodded and walked up to his room , fetching his overnight bag and stuffing in the last toiletries before walking down the stairs . While he was up , Liam texted Harry to let him know they were coming over in a minute .

"Let's go ." Liam said , they walked out of the house and locked the door . They crossed the street to Harry's house , walked up the pathway and knocked on the door . Harry opened the door with a smile , "Hi , come in ."

He kissed Louis' cheek and took the bag from his hands , putting it in the entrace . Liam and Harry exchanged knowing glances as they controlled their excitement , before Harry turned to Louis , "Let's go to the living room ." He said and put his hands on Louis' waist from behind , walking with him to the living room .

What Louis didn't expect , was to see a bunch of people there , balloons and decorations everywhere , and everyone called 'happy birthday !' as soon as he entered the living room . He jumped backwards in surprise and covered his mouth , Harry's arms tightening around his waist as everyone started singing .

There stood Geoff , Niall , Mitch , Adam , Sarah , Claire , Zayn , even a few workers from the bakery - Samantha , Les , Emmerson , Derek and Hance . Mojo and Fuji were also there , wagging their tails with birthday cones on their heads .

Tears filled Louis' eyes , Harry pushed him a little bit further into the room , kissing his cheek softly , "We're all here because we care about you , and we'll make your birthday happy again ."

Liam smiled watching them , feeling Geoff patting his shoulder .

Harry turned Louis around and hugged him into his chest , "I hope these are happy tears ." He whispered into his ear , smiling when Louis nodded lightly . He squeezed him and pulled back , wiping his cheeks , "Smile ?"

Louis couldn't help the watery smile on his lips , Harry cooed and kissed him quickly . When Louis turned around everyone took their turn giving him a hug and saying 'happy birthday' , Louis was smiling with tears still shining in his eyes .

Zayn gave him a soft squeeze and pressed a kiss to his temple , "I want you to know that Liam and Harry were a pain in the arse these past three days , they truly care about you so much ."

Louis nodded and gave Zayn a soft smile , Zayn took a step back and let Harry take Louis' hand and pull him to sit on the couch . The table was filled with snacks and drinks , a cake in the middle .

"Look at Fuji and Mojo ." Harry put his arm around Louis' waist , nodding towards the two dogs who were having the time of their lives getting attention from Harry's friends . He grinned when Louis smiled at the cones , not holding himself back from kissing his cheeks .

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