Ch. 41

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Enjoy x


"But - but I haven't seen you at all this week ." Louis mumbled into the phone .

"I know , it's just been extra-extra busy ." Harry sighed , "I'm sorry love . I'll try my best , but I also have to work ."

Louis bit his lower lip , "Okay . We'll talk tomorrow ?"

"Yes , I'll call you when I can . Sorry again , love you bub ."

"Love you ."

They hung up , Louis sighed and put his phone down . It's been six days since he's seen Harry , and as much as he wanted to see his boyfriend he knew Harry was fully committed to the bakery , so he didn't complain . Not much , at least .

He pouted and settled down in his bed under the covers , bringing his blanket up to his chin to stay warm .


It was four days later , Louis decided to take a bus and go visit Harry at the bakery after school . After a twenty minutes ride he got off at his station and walked to the bakery a few stores away .

He walked in and smiled nicely at Samantha , who was behind the desk . Samantha smiled back , "Hi Louis , haven't seen you lately . You doing good ?"

Louis nodded , "Yeah . U-uhm , is Harry here ?"

Samantha nodded , "He's in his office ." She pointed her thumb backwards over her shoulder , Louis thanked her and walked behind the desk to the back . From inside the office he could hear Harry talking quite loudly .

He knocked softly on the door , though Harry kept talking - probably couldn't hear it . He knocked again a bit louder , frowning when Harry groaned and called him to come in .

Harry looked up as the door opened , jaw clenching when he saw Louis walking in . He sighed out and ran his hands over his face , "For god's sake , Lou , what are you doing here ?"

Louis bit his lower lip , "I - I wanted to visit you . See if I can help ."

"No , I'm sorry , there's nothing you can do to help ." Harry shook his head , "Please , just go home ."

"But I - you - you're stressed ." Louis walked closer to his desk , "I can help you ."

"Don't make me repeat myself ." Harry shook his head .

Louis' frown deepened . "Why are you like this ? I'm here to help y-"

"Louis , for fuck's sake , just go , okay ? You can't help and you're being very annoying . Just go , I'm stressed out enough without you here ." Harry glared at him ; he couldn't even process his own words coming out of his mouth .

Without saying another word , Louis turned on his heels and walked out of Harry's office , tears stinging his eyes and a lump in his throat .

For some reason , he couldn't put all of the blame on Harry . He knew Harry was stressed , yet still pushed his buttons when he knew he shouldn't have . 


Later that day , after Louis stopped crying and refused to tell Geoff what was wrong , he went downstairs to the living room , where Geoff was sitting watching TV . He wordlessly lied on the couch and put his head on Geoff's lap , Geoff gave him a light smile , "Hey there ."

Open Up To Me - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now