Ch. 14

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Louis stood in front of Liam's closet looking for clothes , while Liam was in shower . Liam asked Zayn out on a date and was having a hard time finding something nice to wear . He knew Louis would find something for him , so while he showered Louis was looking for clothes .

Once he was done showering he walked out with only boxers and gym shorts , Louis was laying out clothes for him with little notes 'comfy' , 'casual' , 'fancy' , making Liam chuckle because Louis was honestly so cute .

"Is there more ?" Liam asked , Louis shook his head and gestured to the three outfits he picked for him before going to fetch pairs of shoes aswell .

Liam looked at the outfits and couldn't help but smile , smiling even wider when Louis paired shoes aswell . He put his arm around his shoulders and kissed his cheek , "Thanks Lou , you're the best ."

Louis smiled with soft blush on his cheeks and went downstairs to the living room . He was texting Harry , who had to stay extra at the bakery and promised to come see him once he was done there .

Ten minutes later Liam walked down the stairs and into the living room , standing in front of Louis , "How do I look ?" He asked and held his hands to the sides , doing a 360 twirl . Louis grinned and held his thumbs up , Liam smiled and leaned down , kissing his forehead , "Thanks again , I'm going to go now . Text me whenever , alright ?"

Louis nodded , even though he didn't want to stay home by himself . Geoff was away for a few days and now Liam was on his date . He decided to use the time to treat himself and use the face mask he's been waiting to put on .

He held his hair back with a headband , washed his face with warm water , dried himself and put the mask on . He watched Youtube videos in the meantime , since Harry was busy again , and thirty minutes later he took the mask off and washed his face , applying cream and smiling when his cheeks felt soft .

Just as he settled back into the couch Harry texted him that he was done and heading out , saying he'd be there in twenty minutes . Louis smiled and texted back that he'd be waiting , feeling himself growing excited . He loved spending time with Harry , and since Harry's been busy with the last things before he comletely took over the bakery , they barely saw eachother throughout the week .

Louis was just done with an episode of The Big Bang , when he heard a car outside . He looked out of the window and smiled when he saw Harry parking his car in his (own) driveway , turning it off and stepping out . A few seconds later he recieved a text from him , saying he was going to change into comfy clothes and come over .

Louis ran up the stairs and changed into an oversized hoodie (another one he stole from Harry) , sprayed his favourite sweet perfume and went downstairs . He brought a fluffy blanket with him from his room to the couch and put popcorn in the microwave , putting the kettle on to make them hot chocolate .

As the kettle was done there was a knock on the door , Louis went to open it and smiled at Harry , who smiled back , "Hi love ."

Louis opened the door wider , Harry stepped inside and kissed his lips , "Is it popcorn I'm smelling ?" He asked , Louis nodded and locked the door behind him , going to the kitchen with Harry following .

Louis took the popcorn out of the microwave and poured it into a bowl , going to finish making their hot chocolate . He couldn't help his smile when Harry stood behind him and kissed his cheek , leaning his chin ontop of his head .

Harry loved watching Louis doing little things , like making them hot chocolate , or writing down things , reading a book , playing with his dogs . Everything he did was delicate , his small hands moving fluently around . 

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