Ch. 2

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Liam was in the kitchen making lunch and Louis was reading a book at the kitchen table , when there was a knock on the door . Liam walked to the door and opened it , smiling when he saw Harry . "Hey mate ."

"Hi , uh , do you happen to have some milk ? I ran out of mine ." Harry asked , Liam nodded , "Of course , come in ." He opened the door wider , Harry thanked him and walked in , following him to the kitchen .

"Harry , this is my younger brother Louis , Louis this is Harry , the new neighbour ." Liam introduced them before going to the fridge .

Louis felt his stomach dropping at the presence , slowly looking up from his book .

"Hey , how are you ?" Harry waved with a warm smile , but all Louis did was scramble away and run out of the kitchen to his room .

Harry's smile faltered , Liam sighed , "I'm sorry about him . He - uh ... He just - isn't good anymore with people ."

"It's okay . Is it - is it a disorder ?"

"No no , it's - psychological . Something happened in his childhood and he shut himself out ever since ." Liam explained while handing him a half full milk carton saying he could keep it , Harry thanked him and looked back to the staircase , where Louis ran to .

Liam crossed his arms over his chest and sighed . "Don't feel bad about it , he's ... he's just having a hard time trusting people . He's selectively mute . It's sad and tough for all of us , but I just know he will grow out of it ."

Harry nodded , "Yeah , okay ." He sighed . "How old is he ?"

"Turned seventeen three months ago , on December ." Liam said , swallowing thickly to get rid of the tension in his throat at the mention of his birthday .

Harry looked once again at the staircase before nodding and offering a soft smile , "Thanks for the milk ."

"You're welcome ." Liam smiled back and led him to the door , saying goodbye and shutting the door behind him , letting out a sad sigh .


It was Saturday morning and the sun was out , Louis was sitting on the porch with one of his books while Liam was watering the flowers along the pathway .

Harry finished his morning walk with Mojo and Fuji , smiling and waving at Liam .

Liam smiled and waved back , Harry glanced at Louis who was on the porch , and decided he should try talking to him .

He crossed the road and walked over to Liam , smiling . "Hey , you doing okay ?"

"Yeah , everything is good ." Liam nodded with a smile , noticing Harry glancing up at Louis before back at him . 

"You want to talk to him ?" Liam asked , Harry nodded , "Yeah . I want to try ."

"I can't promise you he'll cooperate . There's a chance he would get up and leave ."

"I know , I just - I still want to try ."

Liam nodded , "Alright . Go on then ."

Harry nodded and took a small breath in , going up the rest of the pathway to the porch , where Louis was sitting .

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