Ch. 4

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Harry looked out of his living room large window , seeing Geoff watering the flowers . It was Sunday morning and since Harry slept in , he hadn't taken the dogs on their walk yet . So , he had an idea .

He walked out of his house and crossed the road , smiling at Geoff . "Hi Geoff , good morning ."

Geoff smiled back , "Good morning . You doing okay ?"

"Yeah , I'm great . Uh , is - is Louis home ?" He asked , Geoff raised his eyebrows a bit . "Yeah , he is . Did something happen ?"

"Oh no , it's just - I'm taking the pups on their walk , and I was wondering if I could take Louis with me . Is that okay ?"

Geoff's heart melted at his request . He nodded with a wide smile , "It sounds perfect . Thank you for asking , it means a lot ."

Harry smiled back , "I , I was kind of hoping I could grow closer to him that way . If - if that's okay with you , of course ."

Geoff's smile widened as he nodded , "Yeah , of course . I'll go call him down so you can ask him ."

Harry nodded and watched him walking into the house , he waited on the porch and just couldn't wipe the grin off his lips .

Soon enough the door cracked open , Louis peeked outside before opening the door wider .

"Hi ." Harry smiled , watching as Louis slipped outside to the porch to stand in front of him . "I uh , I wanted to ask you - I'm taking the pups on a walk , so .. do you want to join me ? All three of us would love it if you tagged along ."

Louis' eyes widened in surprise , but Harry could tell he was excited . He was about to nod but turned his head to Geoff , who nodded at him , so he turned back to Harry and nodded , his lips twitching up ever so slightly .

"Great . I'll go get the pups ready and meet you here in ten minutes , is that okay ?"

Louis nodded again , Harry grinned , "Perfect ."


Harry held the two dogs' leashes as he walked up to Louis' porch , smiling when the door opened and Louis walked out . The two waved at Geoff and Liam before they closed the door behind Louis , Harry handed Louis the two leashes , "There you go ."

Louis took the leashes , blushing when their hands brushed together . Harry smiled to himself , Louis' hands were actually quite soft , and so small compared to his own .

They started walking down the street , the two dogs were thrilled to have Louis with them , as they kept close to him and wagged their tails .

Harry loved the way Louis' shoulders weren't tensed , he kept looking down at the two dogs with so much softness in his eyes . He made sure to walk close to him , even though Mojo was walking between them , and the large dog wasn't allowing him to get closer .

"These two absolutely love you ." Harry said with a smile , "I think they're starting to love you more than they love me ." He teased , causing Louis to look down shyly and shake his head , cheeks deep red with blush .

Harry just smiled to himself , "If you want , I brought a tennis ball aswell , we could go to the park for a bit , the pups could use a good run to let their energy out ."

Louis nodded ; he liked the two large dogs . And Harry ... Harry was truly trying to gain the smaller boy's trust . Louis could tell Harry was trying , hell , it was the closest he's been to anyone apart from his family in years . But on the other side , it wasn't real . It was his imagination making him think Harry cares .

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