Ch. 43

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Sorry for the really late update , finally managed to get a job after a long time of sitting home .

Enjoy x


"Bubbie ."


"Bub ."


"Bubba , wake up ."

Louis groaned and stuffed his face into his pillow , he tried lifting the covers over his head but Harry grabbed his hand to stop him . "Get up now , breakfast is ready ." He rubbed Louis' shoulder , leaning down to kiss his cheek a few times .

"Mm ." Louis fluttered his eyes open , "What time 's it ?"

Harry smiled at his soft , raspy morning voice , "A bit after nine . Liam and I made breakfast , he went to wake Zayn up ."

Louis nodded and closed his eyes , Harry peeled the covers off Louis and wrapped his arms around his waist , "Hold my shoulders ." He waited for Louis' arms to wrap around his shoulders properly before helping him off the bed to brush his teeth . "Go , love , I'll have clothes ready for you ."

Louis waddled sleepily into the bathroom to brush his teeth and use the toilet , he washed his face and walked out , seeing the bed was made and clothes sitting neatly on the bed . He changed and left the bedroom to go down the stairs , smiling when Mojo waited for him at the bottom of the stairs .

"Hi pup ." He smiled and kissed his head , scratching behind his ear . Mojo followed Louis to the kitchen , Harry and Liam finished placing all the plates on the table , Zayn was making them all coffee (and hot chocolate for Louis) .

"Good morning ." Liam smiled and kissed Louis' forehead , Louis wrapped his arms around Liam's middle and cuddled him , still kind of sleepy . Liam wrapped his arms around his shoulders , "Did you have a good sleep ?"

Louis nodded , looking at the table . "Breakfast looks good ."

"Kudos to Harry , he brought out his baker side ." Liam smiled and let go of Louis , nudging him towards Harry , before going to Zayn .

Harry smiled and sat down at the table , he brought Louis into his lap and pouted his lips , "Give me a 'good morning' kiss ." He held his waist , Louis cupped his cheeks and leaned in , pressing a gentle kiss to his lips . He pulled back shortly after with pink cheeks ; he could feel Liam and Zayn's eyes on them from the other side of the kitchen .

"We're going to the lake after breakfast ." Harry rubbed Louis' side , "I need to go to the grocery store to buy a few small things for our little picnic . Also after the picnic we'll give the pups a good wash ."

Louis nodded and tucked Harry's hair from his forehead and behind his ears , Harry smiled at him and kissed him again . 


After breakfast Harry drove to the grocery store , Louis and Zayn cleared the table and Liam did the dishes .

"Zee , could you fetch the speaker from my bag ?" Liam asked while he was cutting up a few fruits for their picnic , Zayn stood up from the stool , "Sure , which pocket ?"

"I think the one on the inside , if not then the small one on the outside ." Liam said , Louis smiled when he handed him half a strawberry .

"Did you wash them with salt water ?" Louis asked as he looked down at the piece , Liam nodded , "Yeah , you've seen the videos too ?"

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