Ch. 11

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Louis just finished getting ready for his date with Harry . He sprayed his favourite sweet-scented perfume when he phone lit up with a text message .

Hi , love . Are you ready ?

Louis smiled down at his phone and quickly answered .

Yeah , just finished getting ready

Great , I'm coming over to get you xx

Louis replied with 'okay x' and shoved his phone into his pocket , looking at himself quickly in the mirror to make sure he's all set to go .

He walked out of his room and down the stairs , just in time for Harry to knock on the door . He wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans and opened the door , Harry smiled at him , "Hi Lou ."

Louis smiled back and let him in , blushing slightly deeper when Harry leaned in and pecked his lips quickly . "Ready to go ?"

Louis nodded before holding one finger up , as if saying to wait a second , before he went to the living room , where Geoff and Liam were sitting . The two turned to smile at him as he walked in , he pointed his thumb backwards to let them know he was leaving .

"Have fun , text us anytime if you need ." Geoff said , Louis smiled and waved at them , jumping in surprise when he felt Harry's arms wrap around him from behind , chin on his shoulder .

"All set ?" Harry asked , making Louis shy away with a smile as his breath tickled his ear , Louis nodded and let Harry walk them out of the house .

They got into Harry's car , Harry pulled into the road , "So . You like picnics , right ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded . Harry smiled , "Good . And you like the beach too , right ?"

Louis bit his lower lip to stop himself from chuckling as he nodded . Harry stopped at a red light and turned to smile at Louis , "Good . Now just do one plus one , and that's our date tonight ."

This time Louis couldn't hold his laughter back and let out a chuckle , Harry was such a nerd sometimes , but Louis liked it .

Harry turned the radio up and tapped his hand against the wheel to the beat of the song , taking Louis' hand and pretending it was a mic . Louis just laughed and let him be , he truly and honestly enjoyed Harry's silliness .

Soon they reached the beach , Harry parked the car and reached for the backseat , grabbing a blanket and a box full of fruit . He got out of the car with Louis following , holding Louis' hand with one hand , his other holding the blanket and box .

The sea was quiet and there was a light breeze , the sun was about to set . They found a spot , Harry deployed the blanket on the sand and smiled at Louis , who smiled back shyly . They sat down on the blanket , Harry brought Louis closer and kissed his cheek , "Want some fruit ?"

Louis nodded , Harry opened the box and placed it next to Louis , watching his delicate hand grabbing a grape and chewing on it with his lips in a tiny pout . Louis picked the box up and offered it to Harry , Harry smiled fondly and grabbed a melon , thanking Louis quietly .

Harry leaned on one arm , his other hand trailing gently from Louis' wrist to his elbow , then up to his bicep and shoulder , smiling slightly wider when Louis shifted away from the ticklish touch . He held his hand instead and brought his hand up to his lips , pressing a kiss to the back of it .

Louis felt confident for three seconds as he scooted closer to Harry and played with his fingers and rings , when he reminded himself he shouldn't fling himself all over Harry like he wanted to and to hold himself back .

Open Up To Me - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now