Ch. 15

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Louis opened the door to Harry with a nervous smile , Harry kissed his cheek , "Ready to go ?"

Louis nodded and grabbed his bag , waving goodbye to Geoff and Liam . Today he would be learning how to make the coffee and hot drink orders at the bakery , and he was really nervous .

Harry took his hand and they walked out of the house , going to Harry's car on the other side of the road . Harry opened the passenger's door for Louis and closed it behind him , getting into the driver's seat and starting the car .

Louis clasped his hands together and held them between his thighs , looking out of the window with his lower lip between his teeth .

Harry looked over to him and placed his hand on his thigh , "Lou ?"

Louis turned his head towards him , Harry caressed his knee , "Don't worry bubba , you'll be just fine . I'll be there the entire time , whatever you need I'm there , I'm not leaving you alone ."

Louis sighed and looked down at Harry's hand on his knee , the warmth of his large hand making him shiver slightly .

"Samantha is a very nice person , and she knows you and you know her , she'll go over things slowly with you ." Harry rubbed his knee comfortingly , "I already talked to her and told her to go easy on you , even though I have no doubt she'll be nothing but nice to you ."

Louis nodded ; he did know Samantha , and she really was nice , he just never got to properly talk to her . On the other side , he was worried about Andy showing him around . That guy wasn't nice , at all .

Soon they got to the bakery , Harry parked right in front of it and the two exited the car . Harry took Louis' hand as they walked in and greeted the employees with a smile and 'good morning' , he walked with Louis to behind the desk and wrapped his arm around his waist as they approached Samantha .

"Hi Sam ." Harry smiled , Sam smiled back , "Hi , good morning ."

"Good morning . This is Louis , my boyfriend , I know you already know each other but now it's a proper introduction ."

Sam smiled and held her hand out for Louis to shake , Louis shook her hand with a small smile and rosy cheeks from when Harry called him his boyfriend .

"Alright , Sam you already know what to do . I'm going to the back for a bit to help with the pastries and cookies , if you need anything I'll be there ." Harry said , she nodded , "Alright ."

Harry leaned down and kissed Louis' cheek lovingly , "You're fine , bubba ." He said and walked away , and Sam had to hold back a coo at the two .

"Alright , let's start ." Sam gave Louis a smile and led him to the large machine , Louis followed her . She took a clean mug , "So there isn't much to know here , actually , you just need to remember the ingredients ."

Louis listened carefully and nodded along , laughing when she made small jokes . She was truly nice and he felt himself slowly calming down from his nervousness .

She let him do things on his own aswell , how to work the machine and put in the right ingredients . Harry peeked at the front to see how it was going , smiling when he saw Louis following Sam's intructions with a small smile .

"You're a quick learner ." Sam said ; it's been an hour and Louis managed to successfully make a few drinks people ordered (with Sam's mentoring , of course) . Louis gave her a thankful smile jumped when he felt hands grabbing his waist from behind .

Harry chuckled from behind him , "Sorry , just came to check up on you ."

Louis held his thumb up and nodded , Harry smiled down at him , "Good . Want to stay a little more ? Or you're done for today ?"

Open Up To Me - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now