Ch. 28

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Enjoy x


On the twenty sixth , Louis kept looking outside his window as he waited for Harry to be back from his mum's . Liam kept teasing him , Louis just ignored it and kept sneaking glances whenever he walked by .

And finally , around six p.m Harry parked outside his house . He walked into the house , and seconds later Louis recieved a text from him .

hi bub, im home, wanna come over for dinner? and also spend the night? :))))

He smiled down at his phone before texting back .

hi , yeah ill come over in a bit

dont bring any overnight clothes , im having our onesies ready right now

okay , ill be there in a bit (:

He put on his shoes quickly and took a small bag with clothes for the morning , a toothbrush and his perfume , before going to tell Geoff he was staying over at Harry's .

"Alright , I'm home if you need me ." Geoff nodded with a smile , Louis nodded and kissed his cheek before walking out of the house . He couldn't help but smile when he saw Harry also walking out of his door and down to the road .

Harry held his arms open for Louis as he crossed the road , their bodies crashing together as they chuckled .

"Hi love ." Harry squeezed him close and kissed the side of his head , "It's freaking cold out here , let's get in ." He took Louis' hand and pulled him along , the two hurried into the house and closed the door behind them .

Louis relaxed in the toasty warm house , letting Harry pull his coat off . He smiled when Mojo and Fuji greeted him happily , petting the two and kissing their heads .

"Hey now , why are you kissing them and not me ?" Harry grabbed him around the middle and lifted him up a bit , pulling him away from the dogs . Louis laughed and squirmed a little bit to be let down , Harry put him down and turned him so they were facing , pressing their lips in a soft kiss .

Louis brought one hand up to his cheek and smiled when he felt the dent of his dimple right under his thumb , feeling his knees trembling gently .

Harry rubbed their noses together , "Go change into the onesie , it's on my bed , I'll start making dinner ." He kissed him once more before letting go , Louis smiled with pink cheeks before skipping up the stairs . He changed into the onesie quickly and fixed his hair in the mirror , going back downstairs to the kitchen .

Harry turned to face Louis when he heard his footsteps entering the kitchen , he smiled , "I love it when you wear a onesie . My baby ."

Louis rolled his eyes playfully , Harry leaned in and kissed his cheek , "I'll go change , I'm boiling water for pasta on the stove so be careful ." He squeezed his hip softly before going upstairs . Louis sat at the table , Fuji sat on the floor next to him with his head on Louis' lap , looking up at him as Louis scratched behind his ears softly .

Harry walked into the kitchen dressed in the matching onesie , he checked the water in the pot before turning to Louis , "Come here ."

Louis gently scooted away from Fuji and walked over to Harry , Harry grabbed his hips and hoisted him up ontop of the counter . Louis bit his lower lip to stop himself from smiling too widely , Harry let his hands rest on his small waist , "How was Christmas ?"

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