Ch. 21

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It was the morning of the first day of Louis' last schoolyear . He woke up with a sigh and stayed in bed for a little bit longer , before his phone went off with a message . He picked it up from the beside table and blushed softly when he saw it was Harry who texted him .

Good morning bub , get ready and wait for me outside in twenty minutes

I know it's early but I have a tiny surprise :)))

If you don't get up I'll come over and pull you out of bed

Louis smiled and texted him back saying he was up and getting ready, because he knew that if he didn't get up Harry would come over and tickle him (even though a tiny part of him wanted to purposefully stay so Harry would come) .

He brushed his teeth and got dressed , spraying a bit of his sweet perfume on . He went downstairs and made himself some tea and took a biscuit , when Geoff walked into the kitchen .

"Good morning . You're up earlier than I thought ." Geoff said with a smile , Louis smiled and nodded , pointing to his phone on the counter and then gesturing outside .

Geoff smiled softly , "You meeting up with Harry ?"

Louis nodded and took a sip of his tea to hide his shy grin and red cheeks , Geoff gave his shoulder a squeeze and kissed the side of his head , "Alright . I might not see you when you leave , so have a good first day , and remember it's your last year so everything will be okay ."

Louis nodded and finished his tea , placing the cup in the sink as he took the last bite of his biscuit .

He picked his phone up and went to get his bag from his room , stuffing inside a few notebooks , pens and markers .

He said goodbye to Geoff and walked out of the door , smiling shyly at Harry who was waiting for him at the end of the pathway .

Harry smiled back and held his arms open , Louis wrapped his arms around his middle and pressed his face into his chest . Harry squeezed him and pressed a kiss to the top of his head , "Good morning ."

Louis looked up at him with his chin pressed to the middle of his chest , Harry scrunched his nose at his cute face and pressed their lips together .

"Let's go bub ." He took his hand and lead him to his car .


Harry parked outside the bakery , stepping out of the car with Louis following . He took his hand as they walked into the place , Harry gave him a small brown paper bag , "Choose which cookies you want ."

Louis took the paper bag with blush on his cheeks , he didn't like just taking whatever he wanted without paying . He stayed standing in his spot as he watched Harry going behind the counter to the coffee machine to make them both hot chocolate .

Harry turned his head to Louis , seeing him standing in the same spot . "Go on , Lou ."

Louis bit his lower lip and gave him his best 'please don't make me' look , in hopes he would let it slide .

"Lou ."

Louis pouted with the same look , Harry gave him a pointed look , "Lou ." He threatened playfully , Louis shook his head and pushed his lower lip more out .

"Bub , if you don't choose anything and I will have to choose , you know I'll get you back for it ." Harry said with a playful glint in his eyes as he smirked , he knew all too well Louis hated getting tickled .

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