Ch. 50

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My heart is breaking , I loved writing this book so much . Even though it's the last chapter , there will be an Epilogue as well as a Characters Asks .

Enjoy x


Louis woke up first , smiling when he felt Harry's arms laying heavily around him . He snuggled closer and rubbed his hand up and down Harry's back , his skin sleep-warm and soft . He's always loved Harry's massive back and wide shoulders , he loved his arms , long legs - just him . He loved him .

Harry stirred from next to him , smiling when he felt Louis rubbing his back . "G'morning , bubba ."

"Morning ." Louis smiled , "I need to go to the bathroom ."

Harry pouted but let him slip out of bed , relaxing back into the warm sheets . When Louis returned he laid next to Harry , Harry grabbed his hand and put it under his head facing up , so Louis' palm was cupping his cheek inbetween his head and the pillow .

Louis rubbed his thumb on Harry's cheek , smiling when Harry kissed his palm and closed his eyes . "Want to cuddle for a bit before we get up ?"

Harry hummed , turning his head to kiss his palm again . He then trailed the kisses up his arm , pressing his lips softly to his wrist and up to the crook of his elbow . He smiled against his skin when Louis started to giggle , trailing the kisses up to his inner bicep .

Louis laughed and pushed at his head as he got too close to his underarm , "No , Hazzie , don't ." He blocked him , Harry smiled and lifted his head up , pressing a quick kiss to his lips , "Such a cutie ."


"I'm nervous ." Louis shuffled a bit in his seat , Zayn gave him a reassuring smile , "You don't have to look if it's too much ." He said as he put on latex gloves .

As Louis wanted , he was getting the tattoo he wanted after Graduation . And Zayn , as he worked at a tattoo parlor , offered to do it for him to lessen his nervousness . And there he was , along with Harry and Liam , sitting with his arm out towards Zayn as he wiped his skin with disinfectant . He wanted Geoff to be there too , but he was away on a business trip .

Louis pursed his lips and squeezed Harry's hand , Harry kissed his knuckles a few times , "Just relax , bub , it won't be as painful as you think it'll be . It will sting , but it won't pierce through your skin hard enough to draw blood ."

"Harry is right ." Liam smiled , "It'll be over before you realize ."

Louis nodded his head , turning his head to look at the tattoo gun as Zayn switched it on . He put a comforting hand on Louis' forearm , where the small tattoo would be (a

: the same spot Louis' stick figure is) . 

"I'm starting , okay ?" He waited for Louis' nod before going in . Louis gasped softly and turned to look at Harry with worried eyes , Harry couldn't help but smile , "Doesn't hurt so bad , does it ?"

"N-not really ." Louis shook his head , Harry kissed his knuckles , the back of his hand , then turned his hand over to kiss his palm . Louis smiled at the gesture , scrunching his face when the stinging pain got a bit too much .

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