Ch. 25

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The next few days were quiet and tense . Louis would go to school in the morning , come back home in the afternoon and spend the time in his room , except for dinner time . Geoff hated this time of the year . Liam tried spending his spare time with them , sometimes sleeping over , but Louis just kept his head down .

Harry peeked out of his windows every chance he could ; he hadn't seen Louis ever since that evening in his place , and he was worried . He wanted to go there , try figuring out what was wrong , but he kept telling himself Louis wouldn't want him to .


Then the day came , December seventh . 

Liam slept over the night before , and as soon as he woke up he went to Louis . Without knocking he opened the door , closing it quietly behind him . He lifted the covers and joined Louis , bringing him into a hug .

Louis let his tears soak Liam's shirt , shoulders shaking as he cried quietly .

Geoff peeked into the room , sighing softly ; it was a sad day . That day three years ago Jay , Louis' mother , passed away from Leukemia . The day Louis broke into millions of pieces .

Liam rubbed Louis' back , his other hand resting on the back of his head . "We'll get through this , just like we always do . We'll be okay ."

Once Louis' crying calmed down and his tears stopped , Liam sat up a little , "Let's go have breakfast , alright ? Dad made us something nice . After that we can go through the albums ."

Louis nodded and sat up , going to brush his teeth and wash his face .

Once the three sat down to have breakfast , Liam and Geoff kept glancing at each other , while Louis kept his head down at his plate and ate quietly . He finished half his plate beore placing his fork down , grabbing his tea mug and sipping on it . He waited for both Liam and Geoff to finish their food before picking up his plate and empty mug to the sink , before tapping Liam's shoulder .

Liam looked up and offered a light smile . "Albums now ?"

Louis nodded , following Liam to his room with a stool . Liam got on the stool to reach the top of the closet and pulled a few albums out , handing them to Louis before reaching for more albums and getting off the stool , "Let's go sit in the living room ."

Louis followed Liam to the living room , they placed the albums down on the table and sat on the couch . Geoff joined them , Louis grabbed an album and crossed his legs on the couch , opening it . He looked at the pictures , lingering on the ones where Jay was smiling .

Liam was looking at the pictures over Louis' shoulder , bringing his hand up to his cheek when he noticed a tear rolling down . Louis sighed and wiped his cheeks , sniffling as he kept flipping the pages .

Geoff joined them on the couch when Louis picked up the album of their wedding day . It was a small event , close family and friends , but they loved it nontheless . Liam pointed out him and Louis as little kids , Liam with the rings and Louis throwing flower petals down the aisle , a small smile stretched on his lips as his bottom lip wobbled .

Halfway through the albums there was a knock on the door , Liam got up from the couch , "I'll get it ." He went to the door and opened it , giving Harry a smile ,"Hi , come in ."

Harry smiled back , his hand clutching a paper bag from the bakery . He followed Liam to the living room , Louis looked up from the album and the blood drained from his face when he saw it was Harry .

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