Ch. 49

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I don't think I ever said it , but next chapter is the last one . And after that will be an Epilogue and a Character Asks , so ... heads up ? I guess ?

Enjoy x


It was Graduation Day .

Louis was eager to get the ceremony done with and get out of there , as far away from the students , teachers and whole building as he could .

The ceremony was held outdoors , he was sitting among the students , all of them wearing gowns graduation caps . His knees were shaking , watching the front row of students starting to go on the small stage to receive the diploma and shake the principal's hand . He was sat on the fourth row on the right side , while Geoff , Liam , Zayn and Harry were sitting a few rows back with the rest of the families who could make it .

It took a bit of time before his row stood up to go on the stage , he waited in line , biting his lower lip . Four more students . Three more students . Two more . One - he's next .

"Louis Tomlinson-Payne ."

His legs almost gave in as he stepped into the stage , blocking out the sound of the clapping . He gave the principal a small , polite smile and shook his hand , taking the diploma with the other . Just then he heard three loud booming pops , his head snapped to the crowd in surprise .

He let out a laugh when he saw Harry , Liam and Zayn with confetti and glitter bombs , cheering for him while Geoff was filming them on his phone .

"Are these your family ?" The principal asked ; Louis almost rolled his eyes because , of course he wouldn't know . So he just nodded , the principal smiled , "Lovely guys . Good luck ."

Louis signed 'thank you' with his hand and went off the stage , sending the three a playful death glare as he walked back to his seat . He sat down and looked back at the four once more , grinning when they blew him kisses .


Louis let the crowd die down , taking his time to take the cap and gown off and dump them on his seat , for someone else to deal with them . He waited for a few more minutes for the students to scatter around to their families , before making his way over to his own family . He knew the place would be crowded , so he told them to wait for him near the right side of the Graduation sign at the entrace .

He found them quickly , Liam was the first to see him . He grinned when Liam smiled back and marched over , wrapping his arms around him in a tight hug . Louis wrapped his arms around his shoulders and squeezed him , "You're breaking my ribs ."

"Deal with it ." Liam squeezed him tighter , Louis kicked his feet a little as he pretended to gasp for air . Liam laughed and put him down , he pecked his cheek and walked with him under his arm over to the other waiting three .

Zayn brought him into a hug , rubbing his back , "That's it , you're done with school ." He caressed the back of his head , Louis smiled , "Yes , thank god . Been waiting for ages ."

"You did it , and you did so well ." Zayn smiled and kissed his temple and moved to stand next to Liam , Geoff hugged him next . Louis cuddled into him and smiled , Geoff kissed his head a few times , "I'm so proud of you , I knew you could do it ." He said with tears in his eyes .

Louis looked up at him and pouted , "Dad , don't cry ."

Geoff laughed softly , Louis laughed along and let Geoff cuddle him for a bit longer , letting go of him so he could go to Harry .

Open Up To Me - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now