Ch. 35

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Harry woke up to Louis tucked in his arms as he spooned the smaller boy , while Louis was on his phone scrolling through his Instagram feed . He smiled and pushed his face further into Louis' hair , arms tightening around his small body .

Louis put his phone down when he felt Harry moving , turning in his arms to face him . He cupped his cheek and smiled , Harry fluttered his eyes open and rubbed their noses together . "Good morning ."

"Good morning ." Louis said back in a whisper , biting his lower lip as a wide grin spread on Harry's lips . He leaned closer and pressed their lips together , Louis kissed him with his nose scrunched before pushing Harry away , "Mornin' breath ."

"Don't care ." Harry shook his head and leaned back in , Louis giggled and pushed him away , rolling out of bed to use the bathroom and brush his teeth . Harry whined when he got up , arms reaching out to try and grab him , "Nooo , come back to bed ."

Louis smiled and went into the bathroom , closing the door behind him . He finished his business in the bathroom and started brushing his teeth , when there was a knock on the door , "Can I join you ?"

He smiled and opened the door , Harry kissed his forehead and grabbed his toothbrush , the two standing in front of the mirror smiling at each other with foam in their mouths . Louis finished first and washed his mouth from the foam , sending Harry a shy smile through the mirror .

Harry smiled back and washed his toothbrush , "Get back in bed , I'll join you in a minute , got to use the loo ."

Louis nodded and left the bathroom , he went to the balcony window and moved the blinds , watching over the city as it rained lightly . He went back to bed and lied under the blankets , picking his phone up with it dinged with a text .

Harry walked back to the room a minute later , smiling when he saw Louis laying with his shoulders propped on the pillows , Louis looked up and smiled at him , "Cuddle ?"

"Aw , you bet , bubba ." Harry grinned and lifted the blankets , laying himself ontop of Louis with his face pressed to his middle . Louis smiled and ran his fingers through his hair , Harry nuzzled his upper tummy , "It's raining isn't it ?"

Louis nodded , Harry turned his head to press his cheek to his tummy , "What time is it ? We have an aquarium to go to ."

Louis checked his phone , "'S almost nine ."

Harry pressed his nose back to Louis' tummy and breathed in , nodding , "Okay . The place opens at ten , I think , and it's a fifteen minutes drive . We should get up soon to get ready and have breakfast ."

Louis rubbed his back , "Up ?"

"Mm , in a bit . Want to hug you a bit more ." Harry smiled and shifted up , pressing his face into Louis' neck and wrapping his arms around his waist . Louis smiled into his shoulder and rubbed his hands along his massive back softly , "'M hungry ."

Harry pressed a warm , gentle kiss to his neck , "Alright bub , up up ." He shifted off him stretched his arms , going to his suitcase , "Wear something warm , okay ? It's freezing cold outside ."


Harry payed for their tickets and held Louis' hand tightly as they walked into the Aquarium building , Louis looked around with wide eyes , taking in his surroundings . Harry moved his arm to wrap around Louis' waist , "I actually really want to see the big glass wall , you know that one ?"

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