Ch. 19

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Louis woke up to a large body walking on the bed next to him and nudging his shoulder , he rubbed his eyes open and smiled when he saw Mojo looking down at him . He brought his hand up and pet him behind his ears , groaning when the large dog licked his cheek .

Harry walked into the room and smiled at the two , Fuji following close behind . "Good morning ."

Louis pushed Mojo away gently and smiled shyly at Harry , turning his back to him and bringing the covers up over his head so Harry wouldn't see his messy bedhead . He felt Harry's body crawling into bed with him before the sheets were battled off him , he quickly tried fixing his hair but Harry caught his hands .

"Don't , you look cute ." He smiled at his red cheeks , leaning down to peck his nose . "Go brush your teeth bub , breakfast is almost ready ."

Louis pushed himself out of bed and smiled at Fuji , who was sitting patiently next to the bed waiting for Louis' attention . Louis pet him softly and kissed the top of his head before going to the bathroom .

He freshened up and walked out of the room to the kitchen , smiling at the delicious smell around the room . Harry turned to him when he walked in , "Sit down , I'm bringing everything over ."

Louis walked over to him and took two plates before Harry could protest and brought them to the table , biting back a chuckle when Harry sighed playfully . He gasped when Harry hugged his waist from behind and pushed his nose into his neck , "Why won't you let me be a gentleman and bring you over the food myself ?"

He laughed softly at the ticklish feeling in his neck and twisted in his hold , Harry turned him to face him and pressed their lips together . They pulled back , Harry kissed his forehead , "Now please sit down because we need to eat ."

Louis sat down at the table and let Harry bring over the rest of the food , smiling and signing 'thank you' with his hand . Harry smiled and took his hand , kissing the back of it , "Eat up , the Zoo is waiting for us ."


The couple held hands as they walked into the zoo , a little map in Louis' hands . They stopped walking to look down on the map , Harry put his arm around Louis , "Where do you want to go first ?"

Louis looked down at the map , shivering when he felt Harry's fingers sneaking under his shirt to touch his hip lightly . He pointed down at the map and smiled , Harry nodded , "Wild parrots it is  , then ."

It's been a really long time since the last time Louis were to a Zoo , and he was internally excited because he loved it .

They reached the enclosure , Harry pulled Louis to stand right in front of it so he could get a good view of the parrots . He couldn't help but smile at the excited spark in Louis' eyes as he looked at the colourful birds .

He kissed his cheek and they moved along , stopping by every enclosure so Louis could see what was inside .

At the monkeys Harry playfully picked Louis up by his waist and told him to 'rejoin his true family' , making Louis gasp and blush when people looked , punching Harry's chest softly when he was put down .

At the Underwater World Louis couldn't help but giggle and point to a certain frog , typing in his phone 'you two look the same' and laughing when Harry made an offended face .

At the bears Harry called 'bear-hug' and secured his arms around Louis , and no matter how much Louis tried pulling out he couldn't , making him laugh and whine for Harry to let go so they could move on .

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