Ch. 12

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It was one of those days , where Louis felt sad . But it wasn't just sadness , he was truly upset and didn't want anyone around him . Not a single person .

Throughout the whole school day he was mocked and laughed at , then he was punched in the face . And that was the last straw . He skipped his last class and walked out of school with tears in his eyes .

He sat at the bus stop , forcing himself not to cry until he got home . He got on the bus and took a seat at the very back , sending a quick text to Liam and Geoff that he was going home early .

Once he walked into the empty house he broke down , sobs escaping his lips , making his shoulders shake . He walked up the stairs and into his room , locking the door . He plugged his phone to his speaker and turned the music up , burying himself into his bedsheets as he cried .

His phone was silenced so he couldn't get any messages , though it didn't stop Liam from texting nonstop . He knew something was up with his little brother .

When Louis was out of tears almost an hour later he sat up on his bed and wiped his eyes and cheeks , taking a deep breath . He got up and unlocked the door , going to the bathroom . He looked at himself in the mirror and whined at the bruise on his cheek under his eye ; it wasn't major but there was no way he could hide it .

He took a deep breath and willed the bad thoughts away , though not for long . His mind was all over the place , when he thought of Harry . Harry .

Harry didn't deserve him , he deserved someone so much better .

He covered his ears and tried thinking about other things , but it was still there , almost taunting him . He let out a sob and covered his face , when he heard the front door downstairs open .

"Louis ? Lou ?" Liam called from downstairs , "Lou , come here , let's talk ."

Louis made a quick move to go back to his room , he locked the door right when Liam reached the top of the stairs . He sat on his bed and brought his knees to his chest , hands against his lips to stop himself from making any noise .

Liam knocked on the door softly , "Lou , can you open the door ? I want to talk . And we'll cuddle . I'll get you sweets , any sweet you want ."

As tempting as it was , Louis wouldn't open the door .

"Want me to go get you hot chocolate and a cupcake ? Maybe some ice cream ? Gummy candy ? I'll get you anything as long as you open the door for me ."

Louis buried his face in his knees , arms hugging his calves .

"How about I get Harry , hm ? I know how much he cares about you , he'll help you out , yeah ?"

Louis sighed into his knees ; he liked Harry a lot , but there was no chance he would let Harry see him like this . Never in a million years .

"Alright then , I'll go talk to Harry and see if he could come over , I'll be right back ." Liam said and walked downstairs .

Louis lied on his back on the bed , he rubbed his eyes to dry them and sighed . He didn't want to see anyone , not even Harry . But he wanted Harry to hug him at the same time .

He turned to lie on his side , hugging a pillow to his chest with his nose pressed to it . He was nodding off on his bed , when there was a knock on the door .

"Lou ? Love , can you open the door for me ?"

Louis' heart fluttered in his chest , Harry actually came over . He slowly sat up and turned to face the locked door , hearing Harry's voice again .

Open Up To Me - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now